he’s not a reviewer, but what do you guys think of he articles and quick vids that Paul McGowan @ PS Audio puts out? I quite like them!
Paul is a hoot. I’d like to have coffee with him.
Question to Paul, from a listener.
Questioner: “Paul, what do you think of DSD?”
Paul: “That reminds me of a fishing trip I took to Alaska…”
<< five minutes later >>
Paul: “I like DSD!”
Are you for real?
Meehhh, not really. Tyll never had this academic/labcoat researcher style that Resolve leans toward, even though he did give measurements and talking to actual professionals their due (on Innerfidelity, not in videos). Metal571 is/was much closer to how Tyll used to do things. If we were talking active reviewers only… then maybe.
His mom only gave him enough money to purchase the deep throat IEM. But what do I know I’ve only owned all but 3 of those headphones.
I have the E30 so hearing this makes it even funnier.
That long green bar in the first video is the sponsor segment. You can download an extension for your browser called SponsorBlock that automatically skips the segment in Youtube videos, I love it.
This is the second time I post here about Audiophile Heaven (Dobrescu George), but I can’t help but share my personal opinion.
The dude has been doing this for over half a decade and couldn’t be putting out worse reviews… I don’t get how he isn’t banned on Head-Fi, because he does nothing more than promote his website and his other reviews.
What made me post the second time here? I saw that on one of his recent posts he praised Shanling and bashed Fiio. At first glance, seems like someone with a preference, but because I’ve heard other companies talking about their experience with this guy in the past, I know that Fiio probably didn’t give him an expensive product that he wanted and therefore he chooses sides publicly. He does this frequently, and I don’t get how he isn’t banned — he rates everything expensive positive, especially if it’s from a big company. I know that he begged for a product from a company, only to bash it later because the company barely accepted to give it to him. I don’t have anything to do with Fiio, but I certainly noticed what he was doing, and it’s not okay because that’s basically talking sh*t on a company because you didn’t get what you wanted (a free expensive product).
Besides having something personal against him (I do not consider him a reviewer and am strongly against what he is doing because it doesn’t help the readers and it’s not honest work!), his work is just trash in terms of quality. Listening to this dude would be no different than listening to a mediocre salesman at a store.
There are a number of honest reviewers out there, but George Dobrescu is not one of them.
I don’t get how he isn’t banned on Head-Fi, because he does nothing more than promote his website and his other reviews.
When George posts a review on Head-Fi, it brings traffic to the site. He also encourages people to buy audio products, which is in Head-Fi’s best interest because that makes their sponsors happy (the manufacturers and retailers). The other reviewer is just one man and he can’t do everything by himself while everyone else just stands around.
That’s kind of annoying because it completely destroys the reputation of the site.
But hey, who am I to speak.
I am a one-man independent reviewer who doesn’t make a living from this =)
Should I sellout and turn commercial, I will make sure I do it in style and make sure it’s quality first.
What you are saying makes a lot of sense, because more traffic more $ for Head-Fi
Head-Fi wants good products and so do consumers because it means people keep buying and more people come into the hobby. If two IEMs are equal to each other in tuning and price, both will be bought by two different people who prefer a certain shell over the other.
TFZ My Love doesn’t have to sound excellent, they look the part to the people who buy them. To a lot of these buyers all earphones sound the same. “That one is cute!” Both manufacturers are happy.
Every 16 year old without money who buys a KZ/CCA/TRN budget IEM to take to school is eventually going to become an adult who has disposable income and could possibly drop thousands on brands like Empire Ears/64audio/Chord/etc. that advertise on Head-Fi.
Good products isn’t every single product on the market. If someone was to do an analysis on Audiophile Heaven, I’m pretty sure that more than >70% would’ve come out to be quite positive.
To be a good reviewer you must be knowledgeable and know how to do your job — which is something that he certainly doesn’t appear to be qualified for. To be a true, informative, and quality reviewer, you must be more than just a greedy human who mass produces content just to be able to sell the free products ASAP.
Being a good reviewer, you must have good and true intentions and have a honest mindset.
honestly I’ve liked his reviews in the past but I’ve never seen the guy post on headfi and don’t really pay attention to shanlin and fiio reviews so cannot comment.
I think he’s croatian so always found his accent interesting and his takes are quirky. he kinda reminds me of balki from perfect strangers.
He’s Romanian.
I think he is an entertainer, and even that, in my opinion, he does a very crappy job at — however, he is successful in it, so he should continue it. I’m not trynna take the plate off of anyone’s table!
However, I think there is a significant difference between those of us who take this very seriously and those who do it just as a hobby or without much responsibility.
To throw in a positive…I like iiwi reviews. He’s from Serbia, speaks intelligently and always includes comparisons and suggestions about who a product might be for and Not.
I do like this channel (amplify audiophile - sajid ahmit)… he’s less a reviewer and more an enthusiast/owner posting his thoughts on products. What I like about his channel is that he’s not a reviewer or trying to sell or promote products or just give takes on products he owns. He’s not a technical guy or measurements guy just a enthusianst who owns a bunch of cool gear. I’ve seen him post a bunch on headfi.
I know iiiWiii (I’m also from Serbia). I don’t know him personally, but I’ve been aware of him for years — long before he was widely known.
Though not related to headphones and head-fi, hificritic.com has some very good writers.
There are a lot of good journalists and authors in the speakers space, a lot of mature and serious writers.
In the headphone space however, I don’t think there are a lot of those. Sure, there are some serious video content creators, but writers — ehh — I personally can probably count them on one hand.
Head-Fi’s a business it gives no fucks…they’re happy to let IMR have a presences, allow all types of shill’s, folks on the take and trolls because that’s all good for them… not too sure it’s good for the…
A lot of folks are too nice and naive to ever see that, but that’s the gods honest truth.
Even though I take full advantage of Head-Fi, because it’s the biggest head-fi platform out there, I am very much aware of how it breaks its own Terms and Rules.
Speaking out in any sort of way about this on Head-Fi will get you banned.
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve started writing and speaking out in a post, only to delete it and say it’s not worth it.
However, I try to be that light at the end of the tunnel with my posts and reviews. That’s the only way I know of, otherwise I couldn’t live with myself… I’m too honest, and I take that as a quality!
If something sucks, say it sucks. Hate these mainstream reviewers who have zero true value and are just pure entertainers and media. I care about what people buy and spend their hard earned money on — it takes some empathy and caring to have an approach like this — something that these mainstream guys severely lack of.