Good audio reviewers and ones to stay far far away from

Oh! God DAMN!!! I’m gonna need a drink of water after reading that salty comment. You mentioned Zeos being a shill. This is a forum that he and DMS created and there is literally a thread call “is Z a shill”. While there are a lot of people defending him, there are also plenty criticizing him as well. But what you WON’T find there is Z talking smack and being disrespectful to anyone about how they view him. What you are doing by posting this is reinforcing the bad image people see of you in this thread.

Just for posterity, I’m going to copy paste your post in case it is taken down or you retract it.

“Tisk, tisk. It’s funny how you put BGGR on your recommended list as he threatens physical harm on people. And you enjoy Zeos–who shills products for a living. I recall you commented on my channel before, and couldn’t provide any rationale basis or factual support for your particular beliefs. This is a good list, however, to help understand your very peculiar views. Good on you!” (No_Theme_Reviews)


Take it easy, and remember there is a life outside internet. You can always go back to it. Your friends/family will be happy to have you back. Peace!

Ooooh. No, not salt! PoorBastard started that, and it’s so nice to see you’re willing to pick up his droppings.

Please, that’s a bit too melodramatic. Yeah, yeah, Zeos is good–no problem, can’t point out he shills for a living. Nope, he doesn’t “disrespect” others. That’s great for him–and probably because if he causes a controversy he’ll start losing the relationships he has with companies.

I wouldn’t retract a statement. You and the others are free to ridicule me in whatever way you wish. But instead of whining about it, I actually challenge you people to support your positions factually. And every single time I ask for that, you people can’t do it. Why is that? I get a “bad image” for demanding you all stop making BS comments, unsupported arguments, and stop relying on each other’s anecdotal feelings about audio performance.

That’s rich.

Let’s remember to be reasonable here, would prefer if things don’t turn into a pissing contest for no reason whatsoever



Put you popcorn away. I’m not looking for a “reasonable debate” with someone seeking drama. Sorry to disappoint.

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How unfortunate.

I think this forum is relatively unbiased (as much as that’s possible considering zeos is the forum owner).

There are indeed members who closely follow @ZeosPantera, such as @Antpage2, but not everyone here is a zealot.

I personally take zeos reviews more as entertainment, and not so much scientific, or accurate for that matter.

Everyone has an opinion, and that’s what all reviewer do, they give their opinions and it’s up to the viewer to discern which opinions are in line with there own.


I came here for the free cookies.







I read this and chuckled because I thought you were making a pun. My bad.

Zeoslot would’ve worked. Z-ealot? Lol

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It was inferred…:wink:


lol NTR came in here and wanted to start drama

its kinda sad because its openly stated that this forum is made by DMS and Zeos yet he is surprised a group of fans of zeos and DMS agree with zeos and DMS

its like going on steve hoffman forum and claiming vinyl doesn’t sound different

like im not angry its just funny… also i dont really know much about the cable stuff, i believe to an extent things like power conditioners and catridges can make a difference. RCA in theory could have a difference as its an analog based source and thus cables can effect things.

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well i have to admit i do take his reviews with a grain of salt. but i do believe that they are accurate in a way. what i hate is his profanity. and lately its gotten worse. ive found many other reviewers since then and ive been watching them more. Joshua Valor. The Headphone Show/Resolve Reviews. Max Settings…


I agree. I don’t watch Zeos that much anymore, as the stuff he reviews is less interesting for me. Out of his last 30 reviews I have seen 1 to the end 8 I didn’t finish.
I am not interested in:

Amazon Echo
I have NEVER seen/heard his sound demo’s (They are worthless IMO)
Epson Projector
Kinera Nan-Na IEM (Chifi does BADGGR better, but I am not into chifi anyway)
Bluetooth backpacks
Sony Neck speaker

I think the Martin Logan speakers was one of his most interesting videos in a long time. I also started the 3 Hiby DAP’s videos, but it was too much of the same to watch to the end.

The Emotiva XPA and the Jotunheim are 2 videos I want to watch, so he is still producing some good stuff. But I think Joshua Valor and The Headphone Show are the 2 best audiophile shows around currently. They are relevant, objective in their reviews and are capable of making it both interesting and useful. (The live streaming of a 3 way discussion is actually very good and a new approach. I really like it.)


That could be dangerous :grin:

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I’m just gonna say I hate what’s happening with headphone drops right now with the review and indie gogo campaigns where a bunch of reviews all drop at the same time at the same day then follow it up with a indie gogo campaign it doesn’t sit right with me. As massss orders lead to ramped up production especially with a dead line which leads to big qc problems vs a slower ramp up time to smooth out issues as they come. But it leads to an over influxion of positive reviews or negative but so far weirdly super positive. Albeit I haven’t heard the Panda or harmonicdyne. But with the amount of positive reviews right away has so much hype the dies down in like days leaving thousand s not knowing if they wasted their money.


But as more and more of these campaigns happen the more and more well see who the true igns of the audio space are