Good budget IEM - blues music mainly

Hi, looking for blues music IEM’s should be best available choice for such music, so mainly male vocals, guitars and what I read should be rather neutral bit warmth with good mids and lows

Im beginner, my earbuds are old and would like to enjoy music mainly on phone (spotify) and other platforms

Also listen to jazz

Thanks for any kind of help

I already did a thread to headphones and will do to earbuds as Im googling whole day too many products and wouldnt like to waste money as Im not rich person, anyeay think for 200 usd something at least bit decent is possible

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What will you be listening out of? Do you have a usb c to 3.5mm dongle or anything?

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Hi, only through jack on phone

Later on I do plan amp but not now, so at these days lets say 3-6 months just phone…streaming music

Listen to blues and jazz

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For me, just making a rec based on genres is hard. Your tuning preferences are personal, and don’t necessarily depend on the genres you’ll listen to.

I think some safe recs would be, in priority order (:warning: I’ve only personally heard Chopin, so take this with a big grain of salt):

Binary Acoustics Chopin (pretty neutral with a bit of sub bass boost)

Ziigaat Arcadia (more bassy)

AFUL Explorer (more warm in general)

I’d probably go for Arcadia, or a used Ziigaat Estrella. Chopin is a safe bet though, and under your budget.

(Oh, and you could add a bit more bass to the Chopin with a cheap impedance adapter later, or EQ, if you found that you want that)

I’d suggest Fiio FT1 $149, 60mm dynamic driver closed back over-ear headphone, very well reviewed high performance for the price, paired with Fiio KA11 dongle to power them (they need it), usb type C for phone $29.
Should keep you happy for a long time.

AFUL Explorer will suit you very well. Around $100.