Quick question:
What foobar skins are you using? I currently have a really simple setup but want to try some fancy skins.
Any recommendation?
Quick question:
What foobar skins are you using? I currently have a really simple setup but want to try some fancy skins.
Any recommendation?
Did you ever find any good ones? I usually just use ‘dark’ even though I’ve been using Foobar for decades now, off and on. Most recently on DAP.
Mobile is really well done, does everything I could imagine…without fuss or cost.
I really enjoy rediscovering my local library (on NAS) of 75,000 tracks by playing them ALL on random. Sure, I end up skipping a fair bit but I do find I ‘discover’ tracks I’ve not heard in a very long time or perhaps never before
Currently using Georgia Reborn, Its heavier than other skins but clean and kinda hassle-free for me