Google Play Music Is Done

starting September and will fully shut down this coming December.

fire up the YoutTube music app and it will transfer everything from your Play Music account over…content, playlists and all that.

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My hatred for Google started for real when they killed Google Reader.

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I don’t support any eco-system…don’t want anything to do with home-automation as it’s all spying on us. LoL.

I love Amazon though…because of reasons (most cause I live in the middle of nowhere and my PRIME gives me free freight here).


The service will end in October for most people. I still use it because Youtube music still has issues. The thing I hate most is how all music playlists are also automatically Youtube playlists. I struggle to understand why anyone thought that was a good idea.

youtube music is just pandora but with fanmade videos

its not a replacement for google play… use spotify or tidal or qobuz or deezer or apple music whatever is your thing

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Lol Google will beg to differ. I don’t know what YT Music was supposed to be at it’s conception. But the current version has all the basic functionality you can expect from a streaming service. I use it because it came with Youtube Premium. So if I switched to Spotify, I’d be paying for two redundant services.

but the sound quality is not as good on youtube music (128-192kb files). and i am fine spending extra for spotify or tidal so i get a dedicated desktop app

Videos are limited to 128 kb/s normally. YT music audio can stream at 256 kb/s AAC

Here’s a tip for the two other people who use YouTube Music.

If you’re like me and hate how YT Music playlist show up in regular YouTube, there’s a workaround. You can create a separate “brand” YouTube account and use that for your music. You’ll have to then copy over the playlists manually (a real pain) or use a playlist transfer tool like FreeYourMusic

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YT Music has a desktop app

There is a setting to not include YouTube playlist into YT Music. Otherwise your liked videos will show up on your YT Music playlist :wink: