So I recently got a BRAND NEW Sennhiesier HD660S for $200. I don’t have them in hand until March 29th.
I have expanded my budget so I’m looking for around $400-500 to spend on both an AMP and DAC. They do not need to be a combo but just looking to get the best that I can with my budget but if I can get something good for like an extra $50. That is totally fine. My only preference is that I want to buy my DAC and or AMP on Drop because I got an extra $35.
Lastly, is there any mods I can do on the HD660S? I’m really bored during COVID and already built my PC (5900X / RTX 3080 flex) and I’m waiting for some group buys for a keyboard. What’s there to do and why?
I wouldn’t mod the 660s if I were you. They will be much better stock (if by mod you mean change the pads or play with the tuning in some way). Also potentially you wouldn’t need to spend that much on DAC and AMP. Something like an Atom stack could serve you quite well I think.
I was looking at the JDS Labs Element II. What do you guys think of that AMP + DAC combo? I’m have an all black set up with my desk and I still want to continue that theme.
well the GSX 1000 is referred to by multiple people in the reviews and z himself to be the best for gaming, simply because of the DSP it uses (nothing else compares). if you aren’t looking to use them for gaming then I misunderstood the intent as they are really REALLY good for it apparently.
I haven’t heard the Element 2 personally so can’t really comment but I know it is well regarded. If you wanted all black then maybe black modi + heresy stack?
Yes that cable will fit the senns. In terms of interconnect, it depends what you’re plugging them into. For example if you went with that 3.5mm but your amp only has 6.35mm out then you’d need an adapter.
How do you connect all those parts together I want try to build a setup like that since I have been wanting the hd 660s headphones since they have been called better than hd 600 by Z reviews also I want a good gaming system to be built around them and the endgame system you linked seems like they are all really good options but I wondered what all are the cables for and what to connect them to if I were to build a setup like that.