anyone try this speakers? Does it hold up to another 500$ speakers?
I’m currently looking at building a pair, but I’ve never done a build before and there’s no flatpack available so I’m trying to get everything lined up that I can before committing because I know that I’ll have a pile of new tools before I’m done lol. Gonna get it with the upgraded crossover and tube connectors for sure.
If anyone wanted to try this line and couldn’t do the carpentry, there IS a flatpack available for the X-LS Encore bookshelf. Look up Peter Rawlings on Youtube for more details.
Once I have more room to setup a proper listening area I am seriously considering getting a pair of these. I really like the DIY aspect.
For now, I might build some XLS Encores for my desktop setup. Waiting to hear back from Danny about some questions I had.
Well, I did indeed bite the bullet and ordered the X-Statik, so I’ll see how she goes. I kind of wanted to try GR’s “Skinny 6” model as well, but they’re waiting on drivers for that kit.
Please let us know of your experience. I am intrigued by this guy’s product and would love to hear of some results.
I will try to keep up here with my progress. I’m back at work, so a slow build has just become slower. I’m still locking down help for the cabinet build and haven’t decided what exact color I want to make them. Time-allowing, I may start upgrading the crossovers in the coming weeks. The layout of the crossovers is top-notch, so if you can solder, you can do it. One thing to consider if you go in on this (or any) kit is that you’ll want dampening inside the cabinet and will have to buy it separately.
I haven’t heard the X-Static, but I have a pair of GR-Research Paradox 1 that I bought in the early 2000’s. They’re still some of the best, most natural sounding speakers I’ve heard. They’re always a joy to listen to.
When it comes to speaker design, Danny Richie knows what he’s doing.