🔶 Grado SR60e / SR80e

They’re definitely a beauty, I will keep my eyes onde these. Just need to sort some other stuff before buying more headphones, gonna experiment with some tubes.

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While waiting for my headband cover to arrive I figured why not make one myself?

I have no crafting skills, dont know how to knit or anything, I just put some regular cotton as a cushion underneath the headband and rolled it very tight with a $1 microfiber cloth, then secured it by wrapping a thread around it, with a knot on each side. Took me 20 minutes the result is very solid.

ITS COMFY AF and with more effort it can look a whole lot better. Also I perceive a little more bass as it fits my head better.


I bought a really cheap pair of OG Grado SR60’s that needed some soldering love off of facebook marketplace, but when they arrived they were also missing the pads.

Can anyone help on what should pads I should use that I can buy in Canada? I’m seeing some poor reviews of the Geekria pads off of Amazon, and perhaps an issue with fit since the original SR60 has a smaller driver/housing I think. I tried them without the pads and I found that they had way too much treble.

FYI the original cable needed some TLC, but when I checked the copper of the cables the were almost black! I cut back 2 inches from where the cable was exposed and they were still tarnished! It was so bad I thought they were aluminum for a few seconds. These are getting some nice Mogami cable and a balanced input.

Here’s the revived OG SR60. I put blutack on the driver and it’s far less sibilant. Geekria pads, Mogami cable with a balanced neutrik end and a new grill courtesy of a dollarama pencil holder.

The only problem is the driver tends to have difficult resolving busy tracks or higher volumes. I’m think of applying some dynamat along the inside of the driver. To see if it’s caused by reflections.

Anyone in Canada want to sell me a 3D printed driver housing or woodies?

There’s a lot of Grado Modders in Etsy that do custom wood housings, maybe you can talk with one of them. Don’t know if any are from Canada thought.

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rholupat.com sells various wood cups for grados. I have ordered earbuds from them with no problem. I’m in the US, but I believe they ship all over.

Edit: I think earphoneDIYlabs.com does as well. I have ordered drivers for DIY builds from them several times.


Thanks! I was cleaning up the SR60 driver to get rid of the Grado grattle, but it seems I managed to separate the voice coil from the diaphragm and ruin the drivers, so I’ll actually be looking for new drivers as well. Not a big deal, since I wasn’t a big fan of the resolution of the SR60 driver anyway, but I supposed it’s fair for the USD price. I also found a disgusting amount of hair!

A few years ago, I was eyeing a company called Nhoord for drivers, but I think they went out of business. I’m looking at Symphone and Turbulent X now, but I’m not sure if they will fit my stock headband and and enclosure.

Do you have any insight on the drivers from earphoneDIYlabs.com. I’m probably asking a lot, but given the cost of the drivers, I’d want something at least at the resolving ability of a 660s.

I have used their tesla drivers and the K701 drivers they sell in DIY builds. Those are the only two I have experience with from earphoneDIYlabs. They’re good about responding to inquiries and even giving recommendations regarding their products. I’m sure the can tell you which drivers the carry will fit your Grados as they kinda specialize in DIY grado mods and builds.

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I stumbled upon a post on Head-Fi where a guy hunted down the earphonediylabs drivers on aliexpress here. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001441907681.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef18020m2EUx

Shipped to my door it came to just over $15 USD ~$20 CAD. Given the cheap and cheery nature of this headphone rebuild I ordered a pair right away. I’ll let you all know if they sound any good.

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Cool! I’ll be looking forward yo hearing how they work put for you.