Grounding Issue

That doesn’t seem to help either.

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Working properly???

No change unfortunately

Well shit, that’s just real strange. At this point I would cancel the groundhog kit if you ordered that already. Yeah contact power holdings for sure, I can’t think of how else you could solve that grounding issue

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Best way to contact?

You can call them if you want, they got back to me pretty quickly before

Talked to Arthur already. He is also stumped. He has to contact Violectric in Germany about warranty since it was purchased on Drop and he doesn’t know who is suppose to handle it. Yay me lol

Just contact Drop, they’re usually pretty good about returns.

Contacted both parties. Time to wait.

Wanted to follow up on this issue. Sent my V280 to Arthur at Power Holdings. He said he couldn’t hear anything, said it was dead silent to him. Also said the volume ribbon cable was a little loose. Sent it back, but the buzz was still there for me. Opened it up and found that when I moved the ribbon cable it would alter the buzz quite a bit. I ended up sending it back to Drop for a refund.

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