Hall of Fame IEM’s

Which sets do you think deserve to be included…

My nominations…

OG Campfire Audio Andromeda…Set the standards back then and I still enjoy them to this very day.

Sony Z1R…Fit issues aside a legend, not sure anything in hall can touch this beasts impact on the community with it’s driver config, build etc…that mid range dip was not to everyones preferences though…no probs here :smiley:

TinHifi…P1 the new age planar :fire:starter deffo worth a nod.

What you got?


Fun thread!

I must mention the MEST MK1 & MK2 for popularizing BC drivers as well as for their impressive imaging and clarity.

Not so popular due to limited release count, but the MiM Dark Magician OG for its sublime vocal, mid-bass performance and smooth treble.

Not sure I’d include anything else that I’ve personally heard.

What you guys got?


Gets my vote :+1:


Super fun thread.

My vote would go to the OG Timeless for shaking the market up back in 2021 like no other and for single-handedly getting me back into the hobby lol

My second vote would be the Monarch MK2 for being fairly revolutionary for its time. It brought multi-Kilobuck performance down to under $1000. I’d even say that it still competes today if we’re highlighting it’s mid-range performance.


I know the sequel sucked, but the Moondrop Starfield really grabbed the $100 market upon its release and remained a popular choice with longer shelf life than many Chi-fi IEMs.

Also a big cap tip to the original 7Hz Salnotes Zero. That seemed to be one of the first – and maybe best – sub-$30 IEMs that shook the market with its quality for the price.


Xiaomi Piston 2: OG chifi that is one of the (if not THE) iems that started the chifi hype.


For me:

Moondrop Starfield-the perfect intro IEM
Moondrop Kato with balanced cable and ePro Horns or Dunu S&S tips-my all-arounder
Dunu DK-2001-This IEM is still in my rotation. It lacks extension at both ends but sounds so good within its range. It is the only hybrid that I can listen to.
SeeAudio Bravery-the best midfi IEM for the singer/songwriter genre, especially for Asian female vocals


One more vote for Piston 2. My first chifi iem, 2014 or 2015.

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My first chifi as well, remember the chocolate smelling package = Legit unit thing? :joy:

Yeah, where that chocolate smell come from? And was it intended? Really weird. :smile:

I have no clue, dont really remember if mine had that or not back then. Just a very funny thing to me though.

QDC Anole VX. The QDC that made “QDC-tuning” a thing I guess.


Maybe tuned by Willy Wonka?

sub-$30 IEMs that shook the market with its quality for the price.

Blon BL-03 for me.


Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk - redefined it’s price bracket & longevity of recognition as a standard.

Mangird Tea :cookie: - CULT IEM (brought many to hifiguides so HOF if just on this forum)

Tanchjim Oxygen - legendary single DD - redefined it’s price bracket and so so relevant that it not only had a sequel but its knock off imposter IEM also pushes to the fringes of this list due to its own value to performance - Tripowin Olina / Olina SE


Etymotic ER4


For more recent entrants into the hobby like myself… the Truthear Holas.

$18 USD and I still have them (yes I found them again lmao) - they still manage to surprise me each time I use them.

Inoffensive but fun/differentiated tuning, the same price as a lunch, and came with great accessories to boot.


And it all started from…


Great topic. here are my entries.

Ety ER4(S, B, P, SR, XR) - Started it all.
CFA Andros - Legendary for soundstage
UM Mest Mk1 - Ditto, also for its BC Driver implementation.
Sony IER-Z1R - Legendary for Bass
Hidition Viento-B - I just feel like this deserves to be here for being so competent in every way and also a sign of prestige to own because of how difficult it is to get.
Blon BL-03 - Not actually all that good but was a huge deal in its time and convinced us that budget audio could be great, too.
Moondrop Starfield/Aria - For the same reason as the BL-03. Just ridiculously solid for so long.
Thieaudio Monarch and Clairvoyance - Kicked off the Tribrid craze
Thieaudio Monarch MK2 - The gatekeeper for what a kilobuck+ IEM needs to be able to do at a minimum in the current era.
Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk - Was a benchmark at arguably any price under 1k and honestly still is.
64 Audio U12T - The Western Audiophile darling.
QDC Anole VX - The last word for detail for many people.
7Hz Timeless OG - First to prove that planar drivers in an IEM could actually work well.
Empire Ears Legend X - If the Z1R was the East’s OG audiophile basshead set, this was the West’s.
Subtonic Storm - Just for the sheer amount of people who agree that this is the best IEM in the world, in a hobby where people rarely agree on much of anything.

My guess is that in a couple years, the FatFreq Grand Maestro and Truthear Red, Hexa, and/or Nova will also be on this list. Maybe Empire Ears Zeus and Dunu SA6 Mk1 could also go there.


I was waiting for this one :smile: