Hall of Fame IEM’s

Great topic. here are my entries.

Ety ER4(S, B, P, SR, XR) - Started it all.
CFA Andros - Legendary for soundstage
UM Mest Mk1 - Ditto, also for its BC Driver implementation.
Sony IER-Z1R - Legendary for Bass
Hidition Viento-B - I just feel like this deserves to be here for being so competent in every way and also a sign of prestige to own because of how difficult it is to get.
Blon BL-03 - Not actually all that good but was a huge deal in its time and convinced us that budget audio could be great, too.
Moondrop Starfield/Aria - For the same reason as the BL-03. Just ridiculously solid for so long.
Thieaudio Monarch and Clairvoyance - Kicked off the Tribrid craze
Thieaudio Monarch MK2 - The gatekeeper for what a kilobuck+ IEM needs to be able to do at a minimum in the current era.
Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk - Was a benchmark at arguably any price under 1k and honestly still is.
64 Audio U12T - The Western Audiophile darling.
QDC Anole VX - The last word for detail for many people.
7Hz Timeless OG - First to prove that planar drivers in an IEM could actually work well.
Empire Ears Legend X - If the Z1R was the East’s OG audiophile basshead set, this was the West’s.
Subtonic Storm - Just for the sheer amount of people who agree that this is the best IEM in the world, in a hobby where people rarely agree on much of anything.

My guess is that in a couple years, the FatFreq Grand Maestro and Truthear Red, Hexa, and/or Nova will also be on this list. Maybe Empire Ears Zeus and Dunu SA6 Mk1 could also go there.


I was waiting for this one :smile:

I think FF Maestro Mini should for sure be on the list. It changed what a basshead IEM was capable of.

Others I would add/callout:

  • Moondrop Kato: it showed what a good single DD is capable of without breaking the bank
  • Mangird Tea: Unique tuning for its time, and still relevant today
  • EJ07: Similar reasons to the Tea

Does “Hall of Fame” include early stuff that made quite the splash, but were a bit overrated even compared to other options in their price-bracket (and perhaps underperforming)?

  • Tin T2
  • SoundMAGIC PL50
  • Klipsch S4
  • Shure SE215
  • Etymotic ER2SE
  • Sony MH755
  • Zero Audio Carbo Tenore

Some Sennheiser, Sony, AKG, or Westone ones belong in here, but idk.

There’s one that escapes me that had almost a Spirit Torino-like rear design, but was really popular since you could get it cheap in those days. Early~2010s/

  • Monoprice 8320

Wow that thing was fugly. It made the rounds on all the tech news sites though, iirc.

Other than that, most of the iconic ones I think have already been mentioned.


Man I remember just getting into audio at that time and falling for that hype train.

I feel like a lot of people were hyping up everything that was cheap and didn’t sound like ass back then.


I love seeing what folks truly love…no shade no :pound: keep it real :notes::peace_symbol:


So Hall of fame …OG Andro, Z1R, U12t, Blon03, OG Tea, Timeless…Everyone’s gotta wriggle on since :sweat_smile:


Blons 3 are legendary for even non audiohpile people, kinda like the shp9500s etc. Here are a few not mentioned:

Ikko Oh10-the one hit wonder of death by bass

While the timeless was the hitter, the 1b to the 1a of that time has stood up for me with the tang zu ZW og. Was more limited in scope, but deserves mentioning to me for tuning and price in comparison.

For legendary tuning I think you could mention the Sony N3ap.

Meh, I think this is not too far off scope so I’ll stop to be safe lol


All Sony :smirk:

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The z7 hp and the z5 iems are getting cheap so will try to grab them up too just to keep the sony audio collection rolling. Just cus you know lol.

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Just an FYI; I prefer both the XBA-A3 and the XBA-N3 over the XBA-Z5.


I would add the Tripowin Mele


Was planning to let my brother inherit my XBA-N3AP as it seems to have it redundant with my Meteor around. Plugged on my ear and tried it with 2 songs, nope you are not going anywhere my friend.


My personal hall of fame:
1/ kz zsn pro: the first iem i’ve ever bought back in 2018, blowing me away of how good a tiny form factor can sound. Of course, nowadays this iem has been collecting dust in the drawer since it’s been replaced by my current beater (simgot ew200), but this one is special since it opened up the lid leading down the unending rabbit hole for me lol.

2/ QDC Anole VX: my first ever kilobuck IEM, acquired this back in 2020. This is the one that enlightened my ears to what a TOTL is capable of. Legendary IEM that has inspired the tuning of many IEMs after it like the Seeaudio Bravery and the Dunu SA6 family.

3/ Monarch Mk2: beautiful mid to die for. Still being used in my active rotation to this day. Will definitely never sell this one.

The best for last: Jomo Flamenco (2017 version): the ultimate details & resolution king. My most loved and no.1 IEM in my collection and the current absolute endgame IEM for 3 years now since I bought it used back in 2021, not a day goes by without me forgetting to put this set in my ear - perfect blend between analytical and musical aspect. To my ears, this edges out even the Anole VX in the details & resolution department. But unlike Anole VX or U12t which can sound boring at times, the Flamenco is soulful, it is full of details, ultra analytical and yet captivating emotionally at the same time. The treble extension in this one is so tastefully done that I’ve yet to find any IEM that can top it, I think the Elysian Annihilator can but I haven’t heard that one yet so I reserve my verdict until then. The only weakness is the limp bass but that is to be expected for an all-BA set back in 2017 when the BA implementation for bass was not yet matured & advanced, but fortunately I’m not the bass-oriented guy. Overall, like the Monarch mk2, I will never sell this one.



Nostalgia Camelot:Musicality is top-notch and my personal preference
OG Campfire Solaris: That drolling bass and massive stage which CA killed in 2020 but again better in Stellar Horizon but way too pricey.
Thieaudio Monarch MK2: Epitome of balanced sound for me. I personally prefer Prestige LTD more now.
Madoo Type 512: For Bass hunger
Elysian Pilgrim: I love this for the price to performance, outstanding details and completely inoffensive.
I also loved Soranik xMEMS at Canjam sg and Eminent Ears Ruby as well. Ruby for me is already hall of fame set even though its very new.

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This might sound crazy or borderline nonsense to some. But in my opinion, especially to those who were getting their legs into the world of this hobby when they were all haven’t experienced what high fidelity is, for every newcomer have/had experienced the Tin Hifi T2.

I am one of those former newcomers who have experienced the T2s and since then, this hobby has given me more discoveries of other stuff that I never had any clue about when it comes to the hobby of audio, like DAPs, DACs, AMPs, Graphs, Technical terms, other brands of headphones I have never heard of and finally, Chi-Fi IEMs for those were times when I was at that shallow knowledge when all I knew were Sennheiser, Audio-Technicas, JBL, Bose, etc.

So in my opinion, when it comes to a budget set with a neutral tuning that is close to a reference sound at the time, The T2s are special to some, and should be in the Hall of Fame of IEMs imo.

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Always nice to hear old champs holding their own!

What’s the cable on your VX? I like those angled connectors.

I started long back with some Panasonic, Sony and Sennheiser iems however, first iem that I imported (for a taste of audiophile sound) was indeed T2.

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