šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

Three days left on dropā€¦ 3+ purchasers needed. This is going to be close one.

Iā€™ve just realised something as well. Theyā€™ve included a frequency response for the buyers on the side of the cups.


I wonder which of the 87 pad choices they used to measure? :wink:



Ok guys, just got another letter from HarmonicDyne and Linsoul. This one describes the pads! All this attention paid to this headphone is inspiring. what campany cares this much about their headphone? cant wait! >.< posting here in case anyone wants to know:

Production in Progress and News on Earpads
Dear Supporters,

Thank you so much for your patience and love during the past days. We have some new exciting updates that we want to share with you!

We understand that the current COVID-19 pandemic may raise some concerns and worries about the production and shipment. However, there is nothing to worry about as we are ahead of schedule and well into the production phase for the Helios. Our team has been spending nights and days to push the progress, and we are optimistic we can get the Helios into your hands sooner than expected!

In regards to shipping, we suggest all backers to add the DHL Express shipping perk to your original purchase. While standard shipping normally takes 2 - 3 weeks to arrive, the global Covid19 situation may extend the duration. Because of our good relations and the hard work at DHL, the DHL Express shipping may ensure you get your Helios as soon as possible.

News on Earpads

We have continued to get more questions in regards to the earpads, and we want to share some new updates to answer many of these questions.

Pictures of the 10 earpads package are as follows.

01 Round-shaped earpads
Material: Perforated protein leather
Inner Circle Diameter: 65mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 30mm

02 Round-shaped earpads
Material: Perforated protein leather + Brushed leather
Inner Circle Diameter: 65mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 30mm

03 Round-shaped earpads (slightly tilted)
Material: Brushed leather
Inner Circle Diameter: 65mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 25mm ~ 30mm

04 Round-shaped earpads (slightly tilted)
Material: Perforated protein leather
Inner Circle Diameter: 65mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 25mm ~ 30mm

05 Round-shaped earpads (slightly tilted)
Material: Perforated protein leather + Brushed leather
Inner Circle Diameter: 65mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 25mm ~ 30mm

06 Oval-shaped earpads
Material: Brushed leather
Shortest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 55mm
Longest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 75mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 30mm

07 Oval-shaped earpads
Material: Perforated protein leather
Shortest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 55mm
Longest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 75mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 30mm

08 Oval-shaped earpads
Material: Perforated protein leather + Brushed leather
Shortest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 55mm
Longest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 75mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 30mm

09 Oval-shaped earpads (slightly tilted)
Material: Brushed leather
Shortest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 55mm
Longest Diameter of Inner Oblong Circle: 75mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 25mm ~ 30mm

10 Round-shaped earpads
Material: Plush
Inner Circle Diameter: 65mm
Outer Circle Diameter: 105mm
Height: 25mm

We sincerely thank each and every one of you for your love, support, and strength throughout this campaign. We are working hard to get the Helios to you quickly, and we wish everyone health and safety.

Best wishes to all of you, stay tuned!


HarmonicDyne and Linsoul Team


Looks like a menu found in a low-dollar Chinese restaurant. :face_with_monocle:


Orā€¦ the greatest thing ever! :partying_face:

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wait, they come with all of those pads?

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you can buy them. some of us where offered a special deal

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Yeah those pads arenā€™t looking too great and the pictures make them look alittle thin. I do wanna try this headpo with Beyer pads and see if the sound like 990s with rolled off bass though

the pads do look thin, but i guess considering stuff like the 58x pads could still sound good with thin pads. or the ksc75 pads lol next level thin

True but those are proven pads the approach here seems to be buya bunch of pads from Ali Express and sell em or add them as a bonus and trust me they can come cheap and the fact that they give you so many without batting an eye gives me little hope for quality.

gotcha, fair enough. am quite curious to see how these will check out. as long as the stock pads come made with care it could be fun buuuuuut, didn{t Z actually change the pads entirely?

yep but the difference between these pads and his personal collection are his are actually quality coming from companies like ZMF,dekoni,brainwavz ,yaxi . the problemm with these pads is the question of their quality. good pads come from china all the time but they are much pricier like the theiaudio phantom stock pads or the sendy aiva pads. . but to just give away pads like this let alone 10 of them for a sub $200 headphone really brings things to question.


Whatā€™s ā€œBrushed Leatherā€?

Suede effect?

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Duh! :man_facepalming:t4:

I shouldā€™ve realized.

It should be like nubuck.as a person who wears nubuck boots on the daily I donā€™t know how much I would like pads made out of that same material but could be a good middlegroubg to suede and leather.

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Nubuck is kind of like a waterproof suede, isnā€™t it?

That would work.

Yeah I got the email even though I back out if the indiegogo a while back. I dint think the pads look like anything special. They kinda remind me of the pads that came on the hifiman 370 which wAs pretty atrocious.

I think even if I was still getting these Iā€™d much rather buy and install a quality set of pads from someone else. I think those pads for me would all end up in the garbage since Iā€™d doubt Iā€™d want to put them on any of my other cans. :man_shrugging:

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I donā€™t know why but I get more and more skeptical about this headphone every time I read about it.