šŸ”¶ HarmonicDyne Helios

can i ask if you are serious? i canā€™t tell if you are joking around and trolling or if you mean it


Iā€™m serious. Iā€™m comparing these 2 headphone tonight cause they are similar sound signatures and i gotta say, iā€™m preferring the Helios. iā€™m using a RNHP amp and a SU8 DAC. So i dont know what to say. But iā€™m glad for this. I can sell the Aiva and Elex and get other headphones to try. But whatever the Germans are doing to this headphone, its really working. I suspect its a Berrylium driver or something but its sound great to my ears. Maybe the Frequency response is better on some headphones but everything together on this headphone makes it sound fantastic!

wow, selling ur elex and aiva because you prefer the helios? very interesting stuff right there. thatā€™s good to hear tho. seems like you found a sound sig you really like


Well its not perfect i know. sometimes i hear some graininess and some distortion. But most of the time it sounds great. more open and alive. detailed. exciting. But im not saying ā€œHey! buy this and you got a Elex!ā€ The Elex has a more solid feel to it. But what should i do when 80% of the time the Helios sounds better to me?


Yeah, go with what you like. I like the Helios but canā€™t say I like them as much as the Elex. I find the Elex to sound much more open and airy. With perforated pads the Helios gets airy but still isnā€™t quite as open as the Elex to my ear. For dynamics Iā€™m not sure anything competes with the Elex, and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be interested in a more dynamic headphone because the Elex can be a bit much at times. But itā€™s all about the sound signature youā€™re looking for and everyoneā€™s ears are a little different so if it suits you, run with it.


If you any of you guys find the Helios just isnā€™t for you, make me an offer. After seeing Ant go on about them I feel the need to try them out


need a vote to make ant the official spokesperson for the helios. Guy deserves recognition and payment for his dedication for convincing people to purchase it hahahah


Oh god no. please. i get enough accusations thrown at me for recommending the Helios. Dont need more. cause im not gonna stop recommending them


What colour will the cool aid be? Asking for a friend

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You tell me after youā€™ve drank it :slightly_smiling_face:


probably be flavor aid instead


Ive been listening to this headphone a lot lately and i really love it in the Velour or suede pads and the RNHP amp. Sounds really good on the RNHP. The treble is just superb. I tried my treble test track, Duran Duran ā€œIs there something i should know?ā€ and it sounds great with these no problem. The RNHP is known to be a warm amp so maybe thats a good pairing with these.

I listened to them through the RNHP the other day for the first time while listening to some vinyl (old Realistic Labs TT and Project Phono DS2). That chain definitely seemed to smooth the headphone out quite a bit, and though I learned to appreciate the bright, I enjoyed them much more than on the Hiby R5.


I took my Helios out today and Iā€™m more and more convinced that these are built to be portable/travel cans rather than the kind you leave at home.

I mean think about it:

  1. Folds flat and supposed to come with a case
  2. Itā€™s goddamn pretty and fashionable (subject to taste)
  3. The tuning which is a touch extreme depending on pads, while painful under analytical conditions would be perfect outside.
  4. For an open back, itā€™s quite dampened, letting little sound out and in.
  5. It can be powered easily.

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m gonna relegate these cans to. If Iā€™m not using my IEMs, I can take these about or travel with.


niceeeeee, good to hear. I liked the 58x for the exaxt reason that even tho itā€™s open back it dosenā€™t let that much sound in (when playing music of course), powered perfectly with the v30, fun tuning altho didnā€™t fold to a really small case womp womp

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Idk lol, they look too rich. iā€™m afraid iā€™d get mugged or something.

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the helios that good?

Let me put it this way Tyrone. Its better than crack.


How it better than a amp? Makes no senseā€¦


U meanin crack crackā€¦