Has anyone else had this problem with the monolith m570 (audio noob )

Now to preface this I’m a noob this is the first purchase of
“high-end” audio gear. I’m simply wondering if I had bad luck,
or if this is an issue throughout. I’ve heard others say there was some weirdness in the frequency response but that is didn’t bother them. Is this just that weirdness, or is it worse?

I bought them about a month ago and noticed an imbalance the next day, after receiving them. It was only around the frequency of an A sharp 5 and was leaning 10 decibels to the left. I promptly returned them to amazon asking for a new pair I thought it was a defect.

I just got the new pair yesterday, it still has a 10 decibel variation but this time at an F sharp and in the direction of the right ear. has anyone else gotten this! I find it extremely irritating, it’s one of though things that once you hear it you can’t un-hear it, and to make it worse the frequency of the unbalance of the second headphone is in the same area as the discord notification! I think we can all agree why that’s annoying AF, I want to be notified but not defend thank you very much. Also, the frequency that the variations are at change slightly, randomly, but it’s enough that they cant be eq’ed out without.

FYI(what I used to get the number of decibels to quantify the problem)

I used my Mackie big knob to balance the headphones with the two physical knobs (which have 6 increments of 2 decibels) by plugging the left chanal into the first monitor output and the right into the second. I also used the software for the Mackie big knob well plugging into a single output.

To see when the headphones where balanced I both used my ears and an xlr microphone in conjunction with the loudness meter. They both fell consistently on or close to 10 decibels.

When I did the same to the few other headphones I have there is barely even a 1-decibel variation if that, aswell these results were consistent across many different devices.

tone gen used https://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/

loudness meter used https://youlean.co/online-loudness-meter/

If there are any shortcomings in my methodology tell me and I’ll update it with a warning <3

Thanks for your time.

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The m570 has been having qc issues and you are not the only one who has had issues. People have reported imbalance around that range, along with ringing. 10db is pretty extreme, but who knows.

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I did a little write up on my issues with my unit here My monoprice m570 issues, a more comprehensive post about my problems with them


Man what a croc. Monoprice does something great with the Aiva driver and its undermined with QC issues.

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