Hd 630vb > ARGONN MK3

After using these two for a year i have my conclusion
I might get a lot of hate or even zeos ban me but for me i enjoy these underrated headphones than my argon mk3…
And i already sold my argon mk3 for 260$ on a Redditor
The only thing that argon mk3 excels at is the soundstage and isolation that’s about it
the timbre sounds cheap ,the treble peak are unlistenable on some of my tracks
While the 630vb has better detail retrieval and more natural timbre. and you can adjust how much the bass you want.

My Current Setup
HD 660S - Neutral
630VB - Fun
JVC HA FDX1 - Neutral
FH5/BLON03 - Fun

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I haven’t heard the 630vb but I did have the argon mk3 and I was not a fan at all honestly. I wanted to love them like everyone else seems too. Only thing that was respectable to me was the soundstage and the bass, but the overall timbre I found just not good and the the treble also for me was very harsh a lot of the time.

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