Hello, currently I’m using Superluxes HD668B with velour pads and while I’m satisfied with how they sound, they are not very comfortable for me after hour or two and I want to replace them.
Use case is like 80% gaming, 20% music. Over-ears. Comfort is no.1 priority, I’m wearing glasses.
Most likely open-back/semi-open, unless there is very good closed-back option.
Sound wise, as I said 668b are good enough so anything better then them is awesome.
I did quick search and my current picks are Philips SHP9500, Sennheiser HD559, ISK HD9999.
My max I want to spend is ~$80, is there anything else worth considering?
Which one from these 3 above?
Now, onto the DAC/AMP. Currently I’m using Asus Xonar U3 sound card. Is there any point switch onto something like Fiio E10K? Will there be a noticeable quality bump in audio justifying purchase?