Headphone suggestion for music production?

Hello. I want to purchase a pair of headphones mainly to produce music and mix songs. (genre mainly trap/hip hop)
I have a pair of KRK monitors but I also need headphones as well because I work at night and I don’t want to annoy my neighbors.
My budget is around 200$ maybe more if it is worth it and I don’t mind either closed or open-back headphones but I’d like closed-back a little more because of the sound isolation.
My audio interface is Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd gen so I cannot run big impedance headphones without an amp.
I currently have Oneodio headphones which are mainly for DJs and to listen to music so I don’t really have anything to compare them to but they sound good to listen to music but not ideal to produce.
For this price range, many suggested the Massdrop Sennheiser 6xx but unfortunately, they don’t deliver these in my country.
For the 100$ price range, many have also suggested the Beyerdynamic dt770 pro 80 ohm (since I can’t run the 250ohm version) and the AKG 361 & 371 but I’ve seen a lot of people complain about their build quality.
I could also afford to get more expensive headphones in the price range of Sennheiser HD 650 or the other Sennheiser models but I’d probably need an amp which would cost more than 100$.
My apologies if my message is confusing. I have no clue what to get and I thought I’d ask for your opinions. I’ll appreciate any opinion given. Thank you for your time.

i think that some good choices in that price range for mixing generally are beyerdynamic dt880 600ohm and sennheiser 560s. both are a good pairing with each other in that range with the 560s being a bit more forward with mids and the 880s being a touch more detailed in the highs and a little more controlled in the bass.

amp restrictions obviously but i think they could both be what you’re looking for in that price range.

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I recently received the K371 and for the price there is absolutely nothing to complain about. Well made. Great looks. Perfectly tuned. Affordable.

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OP seems to have preference to closed-backs.
AKG 361 and Sennheiser HD280Pro popped into my head. DT770 80ohm perhaps…

Open-back? Senn 560s, yes. I don’t think Sennheiser 58x would be available to you, but that’d be a good one. I think an interface may run these okay. I’d not bet on a 300 ohm driver like 6xx though.

I’d keep the signature somewhat mellowed for these genres, as mixing/mastering something that sounds ‘intense’ on a v-shaped signature headphone may sound anemic on a car stereo, or… cell phone. It’s a tricky game. What might be maximally enjoyable to listen to these genres with may not be the best thing to mix those songs with, but I think you already know that.

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I’d go for sony to be honest, if we are talking work headphones
For 100$ you can get the MDR 7506, for 200$ you can get the M1st
The 7506 is awesome - I personally use it for video editing, almost on daily basis, also the extra cash that you have left could go to for some nice pads (for longer work sessions its kind of a must)
I havent personally tried the M1st but from what ive seen its highly recommended by a lot of people

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Unfortunately, my audio interface cant run the dt880 but the HD 560s might not be a bad idea.

I checked them but from most of the reviews, they say they are better suited to track vocals. I’ll check the M1st tho

Avantone Pro Planar Reference-Grade Open-Back Headphones with Planar Drivers, Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H2GQBS5/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_EFF43EC3XZY4EH1926KH

So i just spent about 10 days working with the new DT 700 Pro X, and they are pretty freaking amazing, I’ve heard that the 900 Pro is great as well, so if you can hit 300$ (I doubt there will be a black friday/ 11.11 sale since they are so new).