Headphones for immersion

Can you recommend some for different budgets if you dont mind?

Sure, what’s the budget ceiling?

maybe 1000-1200 max if i go all out i think

Audezes would probably be the best bet in that price margin or Dan Clark… they both are planar but have bass… dan clark has more V shape while audeze are dark and bassy.

Focals not what your looking for in particular

Hifiman nope, not for immersion

Sennheiser at that price point? I mean HD800S wins at soundstage but not for immersion as it’s bright and clinical

Beyerdynamic… err… the only one that comes to mind is T1.2 and the new 3rd gen but T1.2 is better in my opinion just swap out the pads and your fine there. Not much else I can recommend at that point from beyer.

Fostex has plenty that could probably fit here, I don’t have the most experience with this brand but they are a bass lovers brand for sure.

Denon D7200 comes to mind there though its closed it has nice depth and sounds rather big. other denons work there too good brand honestly

At that price your starting to also get into ZMF which I have zero experience with so you’d have to ask around on that

Based on the headphones I own within your budget, this is what I listen to when watching movies or gaming:

Koss KSC75
Beyerdynamic DT1990
Focal Elex

The DT1990 gives the most immersive experience overall due to tighter dynamics in the sub-range.

not even anandas or aryas?

no bass at all?

what about soundstage and which ones ?

are they like mini hd800s?

But isnt it like really bright with low bass?

due to it’s aggression yeah, I would say it’s quite immersive my problem with it is that it’s far too clinical and analytical for such laid back use case.

I prefer to have more thump in my low end if I am listening to movies… these are great for the use case but not if you want some bass outside of equalization

it’s just a sore spot… hd800S is more of a neutral bright headphone… it has lots of emphasis on the mids and highs with an absolute massive soundstage. Too me if I want to watch a movie, I am not wanting a overly bright and clinical headphone.

Start with lcd-2 and move your way up.

Sort of, the comfort for me was better and I pad swap mine when I watch movies with them to fenestrated or suede. Suedes make them very similar to the 3rd gen T1

neutral bass less pad swapped

with dekoni or balanced pads do you think they will give a better experience?

For music listening, the DT1990 can be bright for sure. Bass is accurate, not recessed. These headphones were designed for monitoring and editing to bring out every detail in a song or movie. And it is reflected as such when gaming and movie watching. The detailed highs and the accurate bass presents the movie or game to you the way us was meant to be heard.

which pads do you use with them?

balanced, eh not really. Dekoni? Most definitely yes, it will still be a bit much but it should work fine it really depends on the pad swap in that case. Just use one that dials in the treble and moves up the bass such as their choice leather or suede or something and your fine

which pad do you think would be perfect? Also eq might help right? If i eq accoriding to harman graphs?

I have tried that, it sounds alright… not really necessary as the pad swap will change it well enough for this use case if that’s what your after. I believe your trying to kill two birds with one stone at this point as you wanted a competitive headphone originally. Yes, this will fit both cases if you buy some pads for it… same for the T1.2.

hmm perfect pads… I am extremely partial to Suedes… I want to say hybrids but it’s still so bright with them lol. Choice leathers will add less bass than suedes… depends on how much thump you want. Heres dekonis graph on the suedes

This may help ya…

that’s all of dekonis pad swaps on the 1990 and their changes

I mean it would be amazing if it could be done. How would you describe them with suede pads?

1990… definitely on the warmer side… So much bass, so much impact, treble stays above neutral but not by that much it depletes that peak by a big margin. It’s my favorite pad for them next to the hybrids and fenestrateds.

you like those more?

depends on the use case. Suedes are my go to if that’s what your asking if I want to use my 1990 in a more casual sense as they are comfortable as hell and the signature is nice.

just out of curiosity, with other pads what kinda signature do you get?

considering I agree with Zeos’s assessment’s on the 1990 pads I feel it’d be better to just push you to that.