Can Headphones that haven’t been pulled out in a while sound lame? Do you have to break them in again?
It’s more mental things at play here. You have to get used to the sound again, and also your experiences will be tilted for a time to what you were commonly listening to before
It’s why they say when you test equipment to listen to it for a couple of weeks. So you learn to know what it sounds like. When you change back the difference would be that much more noticeable.
Well my Aiva which i haven’t listen to for a while sounds almost dark. and thats just not right.
Try these.
Wow. I want 3d stereo imaging
You forget the main piece for those fuses.
They will burn-in all the headphones in a fantastic flash after connecting them to these babys and hitting that start & ready buttons.
Check your cables and connections. You may be loosing power due to resistance impacting your circuits.
Have you been listening to a lot of bright headphones lately maybe something more agressive? Maybe your old amp dac pairing made them sound much more bright than your current stack. Or maybe your taste in music shifted. That’s what I usually ask myself if something sounds different with a headphone.
Well the Helios is pretty bright. but i remeber the Aiva’s being brighter. So i was surprised when i put them on and it sounded a little dark. But i think its more probable that theres something wrong with them than the Helios being that much brighter.
The more you describe this the Helios starts to sound like the Grado SR sound.
Ugh dont say that i hate grado lol. The Helios seems to be right up my alley. its W shaped, i love w shape frequency. its exciting, i love exciting headphones. it sounds big but at the same time close, i love that. its detailed, i love detail. i would say that maybe it is aggressive? I just thought the headphone for me would be like, at least a few hundred or thousand bucks. I thought the Utopia might be what im looking for. but i think i found it and its only 200$
When i bought it i got it more for the looks. I thought it might sound decent. but thats all. especially with all the skepticism. it was only 130$ early bird indiegogo lol
You know, the Asians strike again. they blew me away with the Aiva and now their doing it again with the Helios.
This quote makes me think that you may need to schedule time with a audiologist. I cannot ever see the Sendy considered dark. In the mean time you may need to clean your ears.
not the first time Ive heard something like that regarding the aiva drivers.
It can actually make a big difference, for the better.
being an audiophile i always keep my ears clean lol
So I did read the title and that dosent happen between my hawks and sundara which is pretty nice! Since getting used to the hawks can be hard. Thankfully there is no acclimation period for them. Now when it comes to a headphone that I haven’t used in a while it’s my Beyerdynamic DT770. I feel so bad for them lol. It’s just at this point they are considerably less refined, less appealing sound sig and less detailed than everything I own. Still my only closed back tho