Help confused noob find ~$200 bassy headphones

:crossed_fingers: they can get them out too you sooner rather than later :+1:

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They said 2 weeks. And shipping is like 10 days so I’ll only get it in December 🤦

This calls for a warm SE amp, Monoprice Modern Retros and some big leather pads. Boom boom.

Yeah, I might like listening a tube amp but it will certainly be a future buy as it’s over my budget.

Monoprice stuff I like but it’s not available in my country unfortunately, nobody ships them too.

BTW I already told the seller I would wait and the seller said he will settle most of the stuff for me. Still frustrating tho.

@Ohmboy @Mufflertape @RenEH @FiCurious

DAC/Amp is here, and boy do I f king love it :drooling_face:

*I’m using Corsair HS35 headphones so… yeah.

First impressions it sounds like a different device,as what I expected getting something different.

Then I updated the firmware (5.3c) to new one realised it is not that good (also proven as it uses a GTO filter which is quite leaky), I reverted it back (5.3) and realised the usb driver made the huge difference compared to just plug and play.

Then the huge difference came, I can hear so much more going on, I can hear background vocals that I never heard before even on YouTube, the frequency response is extremely enjoyable and my ears don’t hurt anymore (last time my headphone is like boosted at high frequency for some reason).

I tried listening to Flac but I don’t hear much difference but I don’t care now as it’s just not fatiguing listening to music anymore. Also the bass boost is a nice feature to when bassy songs don’t have enough bass, the stock sound is perfectly bassy.

Power match (gain) is odd, it kinda boost the higher frequencies (around vocals area) even though I thought it’s just low gain high gain, maybe that how gain works, never used one.

I’m really happy with it. Really puts a smile on my face. Now I can enjoy my time with this DAC while I wait for the headphone.

*Note that when the volume might cut out one channel out when starting at minimum volume.

Edit: Did an AB test and it sounds almost the same :fearful: , I might go insane. What is going on ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I checked again and I realised my Equaliser APO with a headphone specific EQ is not running on my laptop jack anymore. (was not running on my zen dac during AB). So its weird that my built in soundcard is that good. Maybe the equaliser has problems? Not sure.


The first time I received it I was like “this box has weight” and “quite long for a small DAC”. The box is cheap but whatever, it did it’s job to protect the DAC (a few lines here and there and very minor dents)

Then I opened it and leaflet were on top of it. Took them out and picked up the DAC, I was shocked how heavy and substantial it felt, I was like Ooo. Also it was quite hot as it came from a van driving it the hot afternoon sun, quite funny but it shows that how quality as its made from metal. (Aluminium if I’m not wrong)

Then there is a box with RCA, usb 3.0 to usb a and 3.5mm to 6.3mm adapter. I didn’t read the leaflets but read it later as I seen reviews already kinda know how it works. It’s not much info but it’s helpful.

The buttons can actually spin left and right when you put your finger on it, so I realised that’s where they cheaper out but it’s fine as it sounds amazing.

The volume knob is almost perfect except for the imperfection that I listed above. It’s amazing. Also the light is beautiful green (probably won’t use other formats so it will stay green).

The cables look kinda cheap but they are quite good actually. Makes me want to upgrade them lol.


Welcome to the rabbit hole friend. Cables do sound different.




How is it going? Do you find the difference yet? Need to hear your opinion before buying it, and how about the bass boost? Do you like it or not?


Hi there, I asked around and people say it’s normal, sometimes other devices have good DAC amps.

Also I’m using crap headphones so if there is a detail change I can’t hear it much. I did hear a slight sound signature change but it’s like getting different headphones, they are made to sound almost similar but in different flavours so it doesn’t bother be as my non audiophile ears just doesn’t care/hear big difference with and without that DAC/amp.My he400i 2020 are still not here yet as they are still not in stock but I will update you when they come. I can’t try as covid and my nearest headphone store that lets you try out is in another state unfortunately.

The bass boost is boosted higher than I am comfortable with but probably will work well with less bassy headphones (mine is quite bassy, closed back). To describe it is like what Zeos said it the review, it’s too much and you will enjoy it but feel guilt as you aren’t supposed to enjoy it (because it’s just wayy too much) if it’s the right headphone/song that needs the boost.

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Thanks for the reply man, can’t wait to hear an update from you, im still thinking to buy dac/amp because people said they’re not really big of different, maybe still considering to buy the fiio e10k to accompany my hd58x in the future, but from now on I just want to hear people opinion too.

And for this I can relate to man, I live in Asia and to make it worse I lived in small province we don’t have so called headphone store let alone to try it out, so i just go with blind buy, and considering start from low like fiio e10k rather than ifi zen dac

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@Ohmboy @Mufflertape @RenEH @FiCurious @Galang_Syamil_Basaye
They are finally here after about 3 weeks :sob:

Build impressions:

First of all, the packaging is really nice. It really makes it feel like a premium product. The swivel of the earcups really impressed me tho, I never seen such cool design. The high adjust is ok and the dimples are a really clear indicator of height. Mine is set to both sides 3 dimples visible. Also the headband is kinda odd, looks and feels like a stiff springy black sausage but it works.

It feels really comfy after getting the adjustments right but it is a little heavy. Also on my thin body and face, the headphones look huge :joy: but its reasonable, not ridiculous.

I had fun shining a torch light just looking at the driver. It’s so odd, I have tore apart so many speakers and even make one from a paper plate before but this looks completely different. Cool tho.

The cable I love some parts but don’t like some parts too. First of all, the cable for me is perfect length, just perfect. I put my setup on a coffee table and when I lean back, the cable is neither too long it too short. Perfect. But one thing I don’t like is the right angle connection for the source. I know it’s catered for portability but it’s just not a good idea. It’s heavy and large. Also it says it can be powered with phones but it’s just not enough power. Small good amps are nice but usually they barely can drive it properly.
*Note that the pictures are taken at my room when initial testing, now I’m writing this and chillin to music while I type this on my phone.

I was so disappointed when I heard them just straight out of the box. The treble was raping my ears. I tried listening for a few minutes but it hurts. At this point I was sad as I clearly bought the wrong headphone. I realized I like flat as possible but with bass boost. I tried low gain and high gain and turning bass boost on and off on my Zen DAC but nothing worked.

Then the magic came. I used equaliser APO with the eq profile from AutoEQ for the he400i 2020 and it sounded perfect. I was like, this is what I wanted all along. Then I turn on bass boost and I haven’t turned it off since. Now it’s a perfectly balanced headphone (for me) and I realised a open back does kinda sound like speakers. It’s like between a closed back and a speaker, really magical. Also I did hear more detail from it and the soundstage is nice.

So I guess I have bought a right headphone even tho it doesn’t sound nice to me stock? I guess so but it doesn’t really feel right.

*Funny thing, look at my last Imgur picture, nobody said it can do that :joy:. I laughed my ass off when I realised it can do a 360. But the ear pads did touch quite a bit so I don’t recommend doing it. Might damage the pads.


LOL yea those are Hifiman earpads, they wont last long in my experience :wink: Glad you like man, planar bass is nice!


Cool I’m glad you’ve managed to dial them in to your liking :smiley: enjoy :+1:


Yikes, I hope they are not expensive :sweat_smile:

Hi there, I have a question regarding planar bass. I feel it’s like what it’s described by many, punchy, tight and accurate but I feel like its too in your face when you turn it up?

I keep going back to my old headphone for listening music because I feel it’s more relaxed? But when I turn it up I’d doesn’t feel overwhleming?

Is it my bass boost on my Zen DAC boosting higher frequency bass or planars just sound like that ? I’m kinda sad I went for a planar lol.

Anyway I just adore how spoken vocals sound on my planars, I use it to watch videos and everything sounds so real. So it’s odd like I got a expensive music listening headphone for just general purpose listening and use crappy headphones for enjoying music :joy:

I’ve found using the “Truebass” on my ZenDac when running my planars a bit overwhelming too - and I likes me some bass… The natural warmth of the ZenDac without enabling the Truebass is enough. But, that’s is a personal opinion. I assume that you are enabling power-match (high gain). If not try that but leave the Truebass off and see what you think.

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Nope, I’m on low gain. If I turn off true bass, it just lacks sub bass, it’s ok but I really don’t enjoy it.

The high gain boost the vocals which is too in your face (I’m already not liking the boosted treble on my he400i ver 2020) so I leave it off.

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I get it.
It just may be that you don’t care for those. I have not heard the he400i but, I have used the he400s and the bass on those was to thin for my tastes. I ended up going with a warmer signature planar myself instead. Even with those sometimes I wish they had a bit more but, I love the “huge” presentation that a big planar can deliver and I keep them for when I want that and I have other headphones for other times.

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I’m still not sure tho, maybe it’s just a ton more detail in the high bass/low treble region which is completely non present in my crap headphones.

I appreciate the detail and the amazing soundstage but like I can’t just fall asleep with these on my head, it’s just like “DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL”.

LOL I guess maybe I’m not used to it :sweat_smile:

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Yes, I think that could be a part of it especially if they are new to you. I would think that you might want another more relaxed headphone if you are wanting to fall asleep with them, lol and keep the he400i for when you want to get into your music and jam.

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