Help Understanding and picking between different app dac combos

Im supper lost understanding the difference and quality between the dac/amps below.
Currently using AKG 712 pro with a scarlet solo 2 gen.
koss porta pros
util 40s
zero2 iems
plan on getting hd 600 soon.


    some of these might also be deals. Please give me your thoughts and opinions and posibly explain the criteria for picking and how you compare them. witch one is best.

if they have the features you need/want most of the specs don’t matter, those brands are all pretty liked just make sure the aliexpress store you buy it through has been around a while and is well reviewed.


Thank you for the reply my friend as far as features all I realy want is to have a balanced and normal output and thats about it I want it to be strong enough to drive what I curently have and the hd 600 when I get them

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600’s aren’t that hard to drive I don’t think anything you listed would have issues especially when using balanced.
I’ve used 600’s with things like FIIO BTR5


I see so all of these would be good then Im still kinda lost then there has to be some criteria by witch I can filter them like power or sound quality I dont know how to judge them :(.

Honestly, you’re probably overthinking this since your criteria are not very limiting to begin with. If you don’t already have a preference for specific DAC chips or the like, just choose the one that best matches your aesthetic or space needs. We live in what could probably be described as a golden age where small amps/DACs are harder to mess up than to make transparent and well. If you narrow it down to just a couple, I’d look up some reviews of those few and make a snap decision from there. Which one is “best” is always subjective, and is honestly a question best answered by you yourself. If you aren’t sure, just dive in and don’t worry about it IMO.

EDIT: And I am saying all of this as someone who has been in the hobby for years and spent way too much time (and money) worrying about it myself. The wisdom that I have gleaned from the ages is that unless you really want to spend money just to spend it, then narrowing down your use case and just enjoying what matches that is pretty much the top of the mountain.


Ah I see so what information do I need to acertain to define my usecase and once I have it how do I aply it to the dac amp choice

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You already identified it (Want a amp or DAC/amp with both balanced and normal SE outputs, and powerful enough to drive both your current headphones and an HD 600 you are planning to get). As @CTOXmas said:

so anything you listed that has both Balanced and SE outputs should work just fine. You’re getting too worried about the details beyond that, you can simply choose whatever looks good that matches that need. Personally, I would choose something like the Fiio New K3S you listed, as I like having a proper knob for the volume and unless you’re going to be using them almost entirely for portable duty, I like having some substantial weight to the pieces of my desktop kit.

Edit: I removed the suggestion of the ifi Uno as it only has SE output and no balanced option. If you decide that you don’t need the balanced output, it would be fine, too.


different devices might have slightly different sound “flavors” but it’s usually pretty minor unless you move up a bit in price range (R2R dacs or class A amps)

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Im also leaning for the fiio k3s looks like a bragain and my thought process is if its more for desktop use and not portable it should have more power?? xD thats about it I doubt the portable ones and the battery powerd ones have the same level of power

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on that topic just for my curiosity is it posible to split power and data in a usb type c for example to push power out of an external batery and data from a phone or dap?

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you can get something like the DDHIFI TC28C Pro.
some dongles also have extra type c inputs for external power built in like the Fiio KA17, or bigger than dongle Xduoo’s XD05 series.


This depends entirely on the unit itself; I know that some portable DAC/amps have both power and data on the same connection, others allow for external AC adapters or the ability to run JUST off of internal batteries in operation instead of charging constantly.

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This is realy interesting teh xduoo is out of my budget and the ka 17 is slightly out of my budget.
is the ka17 better then the k3s or is the k3s better with the spliter im so curious. also any other recomendations?

Thats what Im thinking about the k3s can be run by a phone but wil drain fast and I have some beafy 20 000mhz batteries laying around
and also some diY laptop battery external batteries I can use from some project a while back so Im just consolidating my tech if I can.

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ka17 has higher output power/newer hardware inside than K3.
BTR15 might be something to look at.
XD05 Basic goes on sale sometimes for as low as $100ish


I can get the ka 17 for like 140 euro
the ka 13 for 50 euro
btr 15 for 80 euro
ud4 65 euro
ka5 90 euro
IBasso DC06pro for 100
k3 75
Shanling ONIX Alpha XI1 92

what Im getting at is it looks like the ka 17 is what covers all my baces but is it worth the jump in price compared to the rest of them.

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I think it’s probably worth it; consider that if it does everything you want, you’re essentially buying it forever. If the cost isn’t too much now, it should last you a long, long time!

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I ordered the KA 17. It seems like the best balance for power and transport. When I’m ready, I might get a desktop one just for hard-to-drive headphones, but this will be enough for all my portable needs. I think it will be useful for my full-size headphones as well. Thanks a lot for all your help with my request, Sonofholhorse and CTOXmas. You have been a huge help.


Get the K11 instead, thats a better one on paper.

Oh and power, you dont need to bother with it, any desktop source will have enough power to drive anything out there.

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