Hi guys. i have a question about my future setup.
i post 3 pictures with the different options.
i plan to use a Xlr splitter to connect my dac to 3 amps ( balanced THX 789 and loxjie, unbalanced liquid spark).
So which would be the better solution:
- directly through the unbalance out from the dac.
- Xlr Balance to Rca ( i know theres no benefit but i like how it looks, also some people says depending on the implementation on the dac the xlr output could be better or the unbalance out could be better.)
- This switch ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D7P7366/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=ADPE7GPX91ORE&psc=1) have 2 xlr and 1 rca inputs to 2 xlr and 1 rca output.
Another question is. how do you connect 2 balanced amp to 1 unbalanced amp. I have seen they use XLR Y splitters. but i think the switch would be better.