Help with my Aryas and FiiO Q7 Dap

Good afternoon everyone. Im supper new to this womderful hobby. I recently purchased a pair of Hifiman Aryas along with an Fiio Q7 DAP and semmingly having no success setting it up. Any and all suggestions would be most helpful!

What do you need help with? its just plug and play, it is not a DAP though.

Just connect the power cable to the wall and the usb cable to your pc or phone and turn it on.

Or use it on battery after charging it.

I have the FiiO on DC with the stock cords that came with the Arya however it seems as if I am still missing some power.

Any recommendations on a powerful, portable DAP?

Do you mean you dont have enough volume?

How are you connecting it all?

PC → usb cable → Q7 → 4.4mm cable → Arya?

No. Just the DAC and the headphones

Unfortunately no. I only have the DAC itself amf the headphones. Should i go out and get a PC?

…you need a source for the actual music files, that is either from connecting to a PC or a smartphone, either wired or via Bluetooth.

I typicall use the DAC and headphones in conjunction with my Android Fold 6, bluetooth mode. Still feels like the headphones want to give me more byt there isnt enough power somewhere to push it.

That Q7 has all the power you need to drive it.

Only 1.9vrms and 100mw needed for 90db averag volume with +20db headroom.

Have you put the Q7 in High or Ultra High gain in the menus?