Here is some snakeoil!

consider yourself ejumicated! your welcome. :smiley:


itā€™s terrible that people actually buy these thinking theyā€™ll do somethingā€¦

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Iā€™m glad theyā€™re doing this, but Iā€™ve got a bad feeling that theyā€™re going to take this too far eventually and ā€œdisproveā€ legitimate things. Canā€™t really place my finger on what, because itā€™s just a gut feeling, but itā€™s there.


Products like shown are hilariously ridiculous.

Yes, filtering power is important, but that can be done with five components for less than $1 in BOM cost.
Reading material for those looking for a starting point:


that would likely only happen when personal bias gets involvedā€¦like a badmouthing a company after they have a bad experience with them or some such.

there may have been instances of LTT being aresholes as I donā€™t follow them, but Iā€™d hope that if they say something and then get called on it / proven wrong, they would retract, correct, apologize and then carry on.

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