It would be cool if Zeos and DMS pitched a few categories…Say Best Headphone, Best IEM, Best DAC/DAC Amp etc, etc and let the members nominate a product that they think’s worthy and then pick the top 3 in each category for everyone to vote on?..or something along those lines,Yay or Nah?
Best dac/amp for bang for the buck fiio k5 pro imo lol
I do like the idea though, but that’s allot of opinions to consider
This community is pretty tight and non inflammatory so it would be great to see what the hive mind would vote for in each category
Would be neat but would need to have some guidance on rules and constraints set ahead of a FFA vote.
- Yay
- No
- No strong feelings one way or the other
0 voters
Will make it easier to figure out what people want than reading through potential hundred posts.
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