Is focal clear + argon mk3 a good combo? I don’t expect argon mk3 to have more details than arya but what about Soundstage and imaging compared to arya? Focal clear for details and argon mk3 for fun or are arya much better?
Arya would be more of a Clear alternative, I’d think, as opposed to a ‘fun’ counterpart. Perhaps a HEX v2 if you can find one used would be more of the fun tuning. The Argons are definitely fun, and decently detailed. Presentation amongst the group will vary widely.
Why not get an arya?
If you want stage that is on the same caliber with similar tuning, HD800S.
If you want a much more intimate presentation with similar tuning and much better dynamics and impact, focal clear.
If you want a large but still smaller stage with a warmer, smoother sound, better dynamics and impact, edition x v2.
If you want an arya with better dynamics/impact and an overall upgrade, he1000.
Hard to say which without knowing a bit more of what you value most and what are the defining characteristics of the arya in your eyes (ears?).