šŸ”¶ Hifiman Edition XS

These next 30+ days arenā€™t going to go by fast enoughā€¦

So I get this email today from Linsol. WTF! How did they take the order if it was out of stock?
Same crap happened last year when I ordered from Hifigo.

Not even an eta if/when it will be available and ship.

"We are very grateful for your order and support.

[HIFIMAN EDITION XS] you ordered is out of stock.
Processing Time before shipping: In-stocks will likely arrive by the end of Nov, 2021 avg.
Would you like to cancel or keep the order?
If you want to cancel the order, we can do it for you."

If it helps I got shipping confirmation from Aliexpress today. Site says they have over 900 available.

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I wish that code you posted above still worked :frowning:

Yeah the dealers in China sitting on containers of XSā€™s.
Guess they werenā€™t kidding with ā€˜China only for time time beingā€™.

I wonder why Hifiman let out only a handful of these to the rest of the markets - I mean itā€™s a no brainer - why hold back on stock?

If they were just testing the market initially, not a very smart move. At the price, this offering is a breakthrough sweep for itā€™s tier/market really, such an easy buy IMHO - Hifiman didnā€™t foresee right and underestimated the demand. I luckily had the money with me at the time, but if I didnā€™t, I would have arranged for it and I, too, would have been yearning to buy these right now.

Linsoul just got them back in stockā€¦ ordered oneā€¦(poor wallet)


Please report how they treat you, so I know i Iā€™ll too will Plunder my wallet :stuck_out_tongue:

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May take some days. Chose the slow shipping (Yun Express) so DHL doesnā€™t want VAT from me.

Only one way to end 2021 - and thatā€™s: poorly.

For us in the US, may as well blow the dollars while theyā€™re still worth somethingā€¦


Where Iā€™m from - one of yours is worth 174 of ours. Now let that sink in heheā€¦

You win some, lose some. Most expensive health care in the worldā€¦

I guess so yeahā€¦

If the XS is what is claimed, than HFM pricing will indeed need adjustment from within.

Based on what I read it doesnā€™t sound like the HEX v2 or XX - at least performance wise.

Iā€™d like to know if anybody has compared it to the HE-6se v1/2 or Arya stealth.



I donā€™t think they know what they have sometimes. Certainly the marketing arm told us the 5XX and 5se were great reboots of earlier classics. And IMO they both suck.

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Yeah maybe someone will compare - personally, Iā€™ve only got the 4XX and the 400is to compareā€¦

BTW, Iā€™m really taken surprised. This guy has a showdown and soundtest of six 4X0/5X0 series cans here: Hifiman Headphones Compared | Which do you like best? Sound demos - YouTube.

Watch the video and check the sound comparisons. Iā€™m very very surprised here. Donā€™t wanna spoil the outcome yet but - check the comparison of the 6SE with the 4X0 line. See what you can make out of the sound comparisons, then we talkā€¦

He was using a 789 I believe which was the reason I almost sold my 6se v2. If you have any questions for him heā€™s @tkddans on this forum.

Ohā€¦ man I figured that would have been the issue here, but hadnā€™t thought anything of it.
Guy testing multiple cans and I can see multiple amps back there - this sounds like quite an oversight.
He goes through all those cans and not use the right amp for the 6SE?

Damn - I was NOT ready for this.

So itā€™s true, these need a damn fusion reactor to run hunhā€¦
So maybe then, with very powerful amps, they really come alive?

I mean itā€™s kinda fair to evaluate them all on the same amp and honestly a lot of people donā€™t want to spend the money it takes to run them properly and that review is a good thing for people thinking they are gonna get audio bliss out of an $1800 pair of headphones on sale for $600 on an entry level amp. I love his reviews, personally.

Oh yea, Iā€™ve since raised my HE6SE V2 rank back to S on my rankings list.

The demo in that video gives a worse impression than what I actually feel the more I listen to them in real life. Not that I listen to them a lot these days, but I put them on again recently and they got me back into appreciating their sound.

As wonky as they sound in the demo, the real life wonk does it wonders.

EDIT: Oh, and I did use a 789 for the recording. BUT, I prefer using the TA-30 hybrid tube amp. It actually brightens up the music, compared to a warmer 789 solid state (the opposite of what you would expect when comparing tubes and solid state amps). The TA-30 helped make it sound even splashier, in a good way.