šŸ”¶ Hifiman HE400se

I heard them last weekend at a friendā€™s, and now this last weekend Iā€™ve A/Bā€™d them to my Sundara and my conclusion is that they sound very much like a HE400i.

-HE400se (retains the typical HE400 series downsides):

  • wide and airy soundstage thatā€™s lacking center image
  • sounds sound big but donā€™t have much impact
  • tonality is kind of grey/dull
  • treble has metallic tone no matter how much you EQ it down
  • fast but blurry and empty sub bass


  • soundstage is slightly narrower (medium-wide) but as a bonus the center image is now extremely present; lateral imaging and instrument separation is better, period
  • sounds are more involving/more impactful - drums, guitars and synths are almost tangible
  • tonality is on entire new level - colorful and diverse
  • treble is very natural, similar to HD560s but even better
  • sub bass is well-defined and more textured

Things the HE400se is better at:

  • transitions and dynamics feel a bit more natural (it could be my Sundara are underperforming with Ifi Zen stack, who knows)
  • since they are not as involving, you could listen to them for hours and hours, while the Sundaraā€™s hyperdetailed & textured nature makes them fatiguing after one single hour
  • more airiness (not to be confused with spatiality) due to the lack of a proper center image; they almost completely lack the intimacy of the Sundara, which places the singer inside your head

Itā€™s strange how everyone has a vastly different opinion about these headphones, especially when they have to compare them to similar products in their price range.
I donā€™t understand how can anyone can say these are equal to or better than Sundara with a straight face though. Gavinā€™s Gadgets on YouTube wrote in a comment on his HE400se first impression, that Sundara is about 20% better across all levels and I wholly agree.

If anything, the HE400se are a better deal than the Sundara, Iā€™ll give them that, but if I had to choose, letā€™s say I wouldnā€™t sell a Sundara to get two HE400se, while Iā€™d definitely do the opposite.


this matches my impressions exactly. have sundaras here to test too now. i think the he400se and the he400i 2020 are absolute value monsters. but so are the sundaras. just a level above. the price to performance ratio is probably what is getting people very hyped about them. and i also think maybe people too often judge things ā€œfrom memoryā€ instead of A/B testing. i really had to spend time with them side by side to really nail down the differences or even notice them. also had to listen to each one long enough to get adjusted. in the end i think it depends on what you value more i guess. detail retrieval and overall technical performance, airiness, tone etc.

EDIT: if anyone cares. in terms of tone the sundara is between the he400i 2020 and the he400se. the he400se being the most dry and lean one and the he400i being the most girthy, warm one.


So would it be fair to say that the He400se has recessed mids? If thatā€™s the case, that is unfortunate

Not to be rude, but it is quite bold to say that the he400se sounds better than the 700 dollar ananda. Seriously?

I hate the Oluv guy with a burning passion. All he cares about is tonality, and nothing else. I never watch his videos, ever. As a reviewer he should either do actual reviews or quit it

By better than Sundara and Ananda do you mean in your preference or actual technicalities? Because the Ananda is a high mid fi to low hi-fi tier headphone. It can hold its own against the Lcd2c and elex and esp95x etc.

I feel like this is gl2000 all over again.

So Iā€™m thinking that these are a little more power hungry than people think. Lower sensitivity planars need quite a bit more power to be fully powered than they do to just be loud. HE6 is the king of that department and its just understood that its the case. The he400se seem to take around 50-100% more power than my gl2000s which most people were suggesting at least 2 watts @ 60ohms. I donā€™t power math so idk what that equates to at 25 ohm or whatever the he400se is but its a lot more than it seems. Saying they donā€™t have a center image is silly and I just can not accept that, especially off of a zen dac which has just awful channel separation that ruins imaging and is also why they added that 3d sound button at one point. Sundaras have just trash soundstage depth. Itā€™s all a wall of sound, though the direction is fine. The he400se wasnā€™t great with the stock grills and they had good stage but nothing mind blowing. With honeycomb grills (WHICH FOR THE LAST TIME DOESNā€™T JUST IMPROVE STAGING IT IMPROVES TONALITY, TOO. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s whats helping the 1.5k dip but it doesnā€™t bother me with the grills off and I donā€™t have measurement rigs. Also people afraid to pop those grills off are probably afraid to pump their own gas.) they stage with the best of them and really big soundstage has a learning curve on HOW to listen so if you arenā€™t used to it iā€™m sure it seems weird. Like every bit as good as aryas but I think vertical imaging on the he400se is better. Anandas have never honestly felt all that impressive technically and they definitely straight up lose to the he400se at bass. The ananda technicalities arenā€™t so much better that youā€™ll notice it in every song and again power doesnā€™t just give better bass it gives quicker response as a whole so maybe thatā€™s where people are losing the detail. Iā€™m currently using a gustard x16>a90 and Iā€™m pretty confident theyā€™re being powered fully. Sundaras were hazy and one of the quickest sales Iā€™ve ever had. They sound fancy to people that have never had good headphones but thatā€™s it. If sundaras could remove that wire mesh grill and way too much dampening material I have no problem believing they could perform better as I think thatā€™s what ruins their performance but just like a lot of headphones I think the driver is outperforming the housing for one reason or another. Maybe pads or something messing with it too, idk. It would be really interesting to get a reviewer with measurement rigs to turn off the smoothing and chart the frequency response with and without grills on all the hifiman cans because occasionally they make a huge difference. Iā€™ve heard they donā€™t help with a lot of 400 series and 500 series but he6s have incredibly strong magnets and the steel grills actually pull on the driver and fuck with the tonality and that has been proven. I think they help the 400se for a different reason as they have the acoustically transparent drivers and once the grill is gone its almost like thereā€™s nothing there anymore. It drastically improves what I want to say is the microdynamics and macrodynamics (iā€™m not quite sure if thats the right word but it seems right in the moment) which is where I really had a problem with the sundara as they could be detailed but not without sacrificing something else in the frequency range at the time. Both the attack and decay of the he400se is fucking leaps better than the sundara and every bit as good as the ananda, but I doubt youā€™re getting the microdynamics and macrodynamics fully off of an underpowered amp. With a tube preamp to warm them up they absolutely perform extremely well for music and I will stand by what I said about them. Iā€™m so fucking close to just buying another pair and a set of grills and sending them to someone that people actually listen to out of blind faith. The grills are the difference on these and I just donā€™t know how much more direct I can be with that statement. Itā€™s not a subtle difference, itā€™s what makes these truly good. Also brainwavz xl gaming gel pads are great on these.

I thought to compare them to Ananda is crazy enough, now you are telling me they are every bit as good as the Arya???
I canā€™t find myself believing it unfortunately. For reference, what sort of music do you listen to? And do you listen at a deafening volume?
If what you said is actually true, then the market is about to be shaken up majorly. Knowing Hifiman however they will milk every single last bit of money out of this, instead of selling it for 150 bucks.
Thanks for sharing your opinion anyways.

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no just the staging is near arya level. thats it. aryas technical performance is a lot better.

Nice. Guess Iā€™ll wait to see if anyone else has the same thoughts.
What do you think about the cable by the way?

I want to strangle the person at hifiman with that cable for thinking itā€™s acceptable but it probably wouldnā€™t get the job done. Also I do listen at probably louder than average levels but not crazy high.

spoilers buddy: nobody has the same thoughts, I donā€™t know what is wrong with this guy, but I would take his opinion with 3 ounces of salt, enough to make you vomit and say ā€œI probably shouldnā€™t listen to this bs.ā€, the comparisons I saw donā€™t put the 400se much higher than he400i, they sound a little different but neither is really better than anything more expensive besides maybe the 5XX depending on who you ask. Both can be good purchases depending on how expensive what model is where you live, but to compare them to a Sundara or an Aria and say theyā€™re better just IS insane.


Are you talking about the original Sundara or the revision btw, since they both measure quite differently. The 2020 Sundara is extremely neutral while the old version is shouty and bright. Also, I noticed you keep comparing a modded headphone with an unmodded headphone. Whatā€™s up with that? If there was a way to remove the grills from my Sundaras I bet they would also sound ridiculously big, as ALL Hifimans doā€¦

Iā€™ll tell you, from my experience Sundaras sounds anything BUT like a wall of sound. Staging / instrument separation are the most important things for me, since I mostly listen to complex multi-layered electronic music (Autechre, Amon Tobin, Squarepusher) and modern classical (Alfred Schnittke, Sofia Gubaidulina, Gyorgy Ligeti). So, basically, if the Sundaras created this wall of crammed sound as you said, Iā€™d be essentially fucked, as my music library depends the most on these specific sonic qualities to sound the best.

My opinion remains that HE400se is a weaker headphone, detail-wise, timbre-wise, and they only give the illusion of a better soundstage because the sounds are not full-bodied like on the Sundara. The Sundara has to manage both heavily textured sound and a soundstage, it will never be an ulra-wide airy headphone, but it will give you the best of both worlds.

If youā€™re saying my 450$ dac/amp stack is the problem then I guess Iā€™ll have to wait years until I will afford a better opinion. Me and many other people.

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Well, Bad guy good reviews and @ZeosPantera both hyped the Gl2000 up, but @DMS and Crinacle both didnā€™t like it. It is possible that someone out there thinks the same. By the way Pokrog loves his Gl2000

that one is a controversial headphone, this one is literally just one guy hyping it way out of proportions and saying you should switch the grills on this headphone, which is ridiculuous, and saying how this headphone is worth 3 times itā€™s price, which itā€™s not, whereas everyone else is saying that this is pretty close to something like the 400i or the 5XX in terms of quality, with just slight differences in the sound.

Grill swapping my he560 literally made it a different headphone as far as Iā€™m concerned. It helps with congested staging more than anything else, but that can make or break a product. I think grill mod hifiman anything should get hypedā€¦


i honestly think this discussion is a mix between different tastes and priorities and also some unnecessary overly one sided and overblown ways of putting things.

i agree to a certain degree about some things that are being said about the sundara not sounding as open and wide. they are definately more intimite and closer sounding imho. and if you value a larger more open sound the he400 ones provide that. but that is a matter of taste and the sundara only sound small in comparison. itā€™s really a matter of reference which also hits on another point i made earlier.

pokrog said he sold the sundara quick and always speaks about them in the past tense. so what i assumed was probably right. a lot of talking about things from memory and without direct comparison. and i personally donā€™t put much value on that when it comes to nuances in detail and texture of the sound.
and that is where the sundara is better imho (not worlds better but still), which makes sense, if you look at the technical facts of the wider frequency range being covered and the way thinner membrane. you can tell itā€™s a different driver just by closely listening to cymbals, string instruments and distorted guitars. the latter especially have so much more texture and fine detail.

i also think the ā€œwall of soundā€ statement is pretty relative. i think the sundara just donā€™t have as much recessed vocals and guitars as the he400 ones. so things being more even and less spaced out sounding makes sense (hd560s sounded similar in that regard). but considering the awesome instrument seperation of the sundara at the same time, it makes no sense at all to just call that ā€œwall of soundā€. but again. in comparison?..maybe.

i think all this distracts from the great value the he400se provide. modding them and buying expensive monstrously powerful amps to make them ā€œgoodā€ defeats the whole purpose of them and why they are so great.

i think itā€™s great, if diminishing returns are proven to be a thing over and over again. but making outlandish statements is kind of annoying for people looking for info and comparison. thatā€™s actually what got me to have the he400i, he400se and the sundara here at the same time so i could hear for myself. i donā€™t know, if never having heard the ananda or arya negates everything i found thoughā€¦ this definately makes me want to read forums less and just keep watching and reading several reviewers who have different tastes and just extract the things they all agree on on a certain headphone. that and just getting them and A/Bing them. seems like a much more reliable source than ā€œdude, if you take the grills off they give you x-ray vision and cure covid, donā€™t tell hifiman though, they triple the price for sureā€.

just kidding ofc, to each their own. sound is hard to evaluate. i think pokrog just values soundstage and openess a lot. and i tend to be the similar because i think it simulates listening to music in a room better. but the more i compare things the more it seems like the quest is having that, good seperation, good tonality AND great detail at the same time.


So in the end has anyone tried the 5xx? All this drama between the sundara, 400i and 400se but they all have the same tiny earcups, I think Iā€™ll try to resell my 400i and save for an ananda just cause of that lol

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wasnā€™t the 5xx the one that is basically a Deva? i could swear i read that somewhere. i think they also have that thinner membrane in them compared to the he400 series.

also in terms of earcups. what pokrog said about the sundara driver being held back by the housing is something i also thought just in terms of how uncomfortable it is in comparison to the HE400 ones. my perfect headphone right now would be sundara driver inside he400 body probably. but who knows what that means for sound. next stop: trying way too many pads and comparing themā€¦