🔶 Hifiman HE6SE

The funk was actually fantastic but the soloist has way better channel separation and it shows. I might get another one some day but with powered monitors the soloist is basically the same thing with almost 3x the power for headphones and better channel separation.

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I just ordered these tonight. Pretty jacked, but also nervous. I have yet to love a set of HiFiman’s, but I am hopeful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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pads are an absolute must, imo. apart from that they are the single pickiest headphones i’ve ever owned when it comes to amps and i honestly considered selling them quite a few times when only using them on an a90. they sent me on a journey through speaker amps that was just stupid expensive but a pretty good learning experience. now that i have a supercharger on my soloist, i’m gonna have to go back and do some reevaluating vs my parasound speaker amp cause holy shit it might be better all around now.

also grills are nice as well but aren’t nearly as significant as pads.

i guess i should also add they are the best headphones i’ve heard in my life when synergized right and not by a small amount.

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I am anxious to hook them up to my iFi Pro iCAN.
And I will be curious to try them on my Liquid Platinum and Violectric V220. Not super powerful, but interesting amps. I like them on everything, although different headphones for each.

What kind of pads? And I will have to look into grills. I am really curious about grills vs no grills.

if you don’t want to buy the $10 adapter rings from hifiman i recommend just destroying the pads they come with and using the ring inside. i have pretty much settled on the brainwavz XL gaming micro suedes (the ones with the “cooling gel” inside of them). they aren’t the nicest feeling pads ever but they drastically stretch the soundstage out because of how much deeper and wider they are and give the bass a bit of a lift (which may be that they seal that much better and i think its because of that gel outer layer being slightly more rigid than squishier pads) and though they aren’t nearly the quality of dekonis, they’re half the price and to my ears sound quite a bit better.

the grills are here. i would say even though the soundstage on the he6se is pretty decently big, with pads and grills it gets up there into the upper bracket of soundstage size.

i haven’t heard the ican but i’ve heard other ifi bass boosts and they were pretty well done and i’m sure it’s even better on that behemoth. theres something special about the burson vivid opamps with the he6 that lifts the bass to where it needs to be but i could imagine the bass boost on the ifi being good enough. the v shape of the vivids ups the treble a tiny bit too to a slightly better and more forward amount without being too much and because of that i run zero EQ on the he6, and thats about the only headphone i’ve ever done that with if that means anything.


Yes, they are!


400ses are collecting some serious dust lol


With this amp I am loving max bass boost and max 3D sound. They make a gigantic difference with the Monoprice M1570’s and I am really hoping they do the same trick on these.

I read somewhere that the ring within the dekoni hifiman HE series pads can be removed. Can anyone confirm this?

I saw a recommendation of using dekoni hifiman pads on dt177x. If the ring is removable, then I can use the dekoni pads on my Beyer and use the ring to fix the brainwavz XL gaming suede pads on my He6se v2

I’m planning to get M1570 at black friday? I guess I can now wait for your comparison between he6se v2 and m1570 before hitting the buy now button!

I think the M1570’s are still on sale at Wal-Mart.

if they’re anything like the stock pads you have to tear the pads off and maybe use a little bit of glue remover on the ring because the pads are glued on.

V2 is on Sale at Adorama

That’s what pushed me over the edge. :laughing:

Same :sunglasses: 10 character limit

which hifimen did you try before?

I went through the he400i, sundaras, anandas, he400se, ironically the 400 were my favorites, none of them keepers.

Get it now!

HE4XX’s. Hated them.
Sundara’s. Nice headphone but never really grabbed me.
Drop Edition XX’s. Unique and kinda cool, but nowhere near a favourite.

HE6se V2. I hope, I hope, I hope…


Im considering buying 2 more. One to keep in case mine dies and one for either my girl if she cares enough or a buddy that would shit his pants with audio that good.

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Now that they are on the way. I need POWER … presently my audio game is not watt hungry. I use a zen dac v2 or hip dac to power iem (starfield, and drop noble x’s). For phones, Elegia’s and drop He4xx’s … neither source will power the 4xx’s well.

Money wise. I think of getting a xduoo MT604? Monoprice THX AAA 887? its on sale for $249 right now. Or purchasing the hifiman adapter and using my receiver? (Marantz SR7015). Using the receiver would be a giant pain in the @$$

Otherwise. Singxer SA-1? Options? Recommendations?