šŸ”¶ HiFiMan Sundara

Me too! Iā€™ll be sure to post them here.

The Zen Can just arrived and music is noticeably fuller and more powerful than they were going just out of the Zen DAC alone. And the XBass is really nice, I see why people compare it positively to the TrueBass feature on the Zen DAC alone. The 3D feature just seems to make things seem more distant and I donā€™t think itā€™s very interesting.

All-in-all, a pretty nice upgrade for my Sundaras!

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He should just ask Andrew Park to explain it, lol.

For the record Hifiman said that the only difference between the 2020 version and the earlier version is the pads.

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incase people are wondering figure I would post thisā€¦ taken from another person


@Falenkor This should help a few folks out, thanks. :wink:

Just got a set of Sundaraā€™s yesterday, ordered a Qudelix 5k from the US which will take a couple of weeks to arrive here in the UK.

In the meantime Iā€™m using the Apple lightning to 3.5mm adapter and while it gets the volume to a decent level and loud enough, it does feel like more is needed so Iā€™m looking forward to the Qudelix arriving.

Iā€™ve been looking at balanced cables and found one for Ā£26:

Besides the terrible white colour, whatā€™s the difference between this one and the Ā£55 cable that was posted above by @MCook1970 ? I guess some nicer build quality comes into it but I expect the sound quality should be the same?

Cables are just two things. Connectors and build.
Anything else (cabel materials or quality) is 99% BS.

So as long as you got the right connectors to fit your headponies to your device all that matters is how much you care about the build. Crappy rubber? Stiff plastic weave? Soft braid? ā€¦ Also length I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


R70x = Sundara killerā€¦?

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Isnā€™t that closer to the HD600 sound profile than the Sundara? Like itā€™s not even a planar, right?

I didnā€™t know it had to be a planar to compete? Itā€™s a dynamic, yes. So is ADX5000. Iā€™ve only heard Sundara, thus my question.

I just mean that itā€™s not going to kill the Sundara if it sounds completely different.

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Yeah, fair point. But it could sound better for the same price.

Sure but I mean terms of dynamic driver headphones, if the 6xx didnā€™t kill the Sundara at a significantly lower price point, Iā€™m not sure the R70x has a shot.

Preference plays a big roll in whether you like different headphones in this range.

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I think itā€™s safe to say the fit of r70x is most likely worse, at least. Less premium pad materials, too. But much lighter, 210g vs ~372g.

Hey guys,

Iā€™m looking for an upgrade to my sundara, and I was wondering what options I would have.
I am extremely happy with the clarity and punchyness of its bass, and especially with the sharpness of its highs (as in I wouldnā€™t want any more or less).
My eq for the sundara is set to +1 db in the base region and +2.5 at 2000Hz if that tells you anything about my preferences.
My budget is 800 usd tops, but Iā€™d be interested in small upgrades too if it was for much less.
Is there anything that fits the bill? (Headphones sold in the EU would be preferable)
Edit: I forgot to add that Iā€™m only interested in things that can run from a JDS labs atom.

Have you tried the Ananda? Theyā€™re like Sundaraā€™s but slightly more laid-back, while preserving the detail it seems like.

Havenā€™t tried them myself but Iā€™d be looking to them for sure!


I have heard about it, and it was the first one that came to my mind, but I donā€™t have any places nearby where I could try any of the higher-end headphones so Iā€™ve gotta go into this blind. Right now Iā€™m just assessing what options Iā€™d have.

Just got my pair of Hifiman Sundara 2020. I just have to say they sound great, but I was wondering if anyone was having this issue were at least for if you tap or press the right ear there would be a click/clank I think it might be the magnets touching or like a piece of metal hitting metalā€¦? Itā€™s not a really big deal as unless youā€™re moving the headphones a lot just thought if was a bit interesting.