đŸ”¶ HiFiMan Sundara

Welcome. I personally do not have that issue with my Sundaras. They are the best head phones I own right now.

Thanks! Yeah same these Headphone are pretty much everything I wanted in a headphone. Also order a new cable from Hart Audio which should be coming in a week! Looking forward to it arriving.

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Never experienced your issue but I thought I had 2 issues in the past
 I heard a slight crackle on my right side and it turned out it was my hair brushing on the metal lol. Then I found my right ear feeling pain and discomfort. Turns out my right ear is slightly lower on my head than my left lol. So I adjust the headband accordingly and problem solved. I hope your issue turns out to be just as silly as mine were.

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Iam from Portugal, and I have a Hifiman Sundara, playing from my Fiio M11 plus.

This is my second soundara, the first have some marks and scratchs, I think was an used unit, because the left pad was different from the right. But it sounds very good.

My second unit, I think is brand new, but it miss’s some spark from the first.
The sundara sound change with the use (like burn-in)?

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 I never did do a proper burn-in for mine. I wonder how important that is, in general

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Yes, I did notice an improvement after a few days of use. Seemed the bass settled in, but keep in mind the brain train factor
ie just getting used to it, lol.

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can help but wont do magic to a hp, but im simply do it cause it wont do damage and it builds up some kind of supersion when you hear the burin sound and you can later play with your new toy :stuck_out_tongue:

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“proper” burn in a s not a necessity, as far as I understand it. It is just a factor to take into account: during your first two weeks or so of using, the perceived sound can change (may it be real burn in or “brain burn in”). It’s nowhere near as what you had to do for new cars.


Maybe it just my mind triking me, I think the first one had more open sound

But I noticed that they put more pressure in my head and if open the headband with my hands I feel a litle more treble.

Yes, I dont feel that burn-in in these case will make difference, maybe the pads and the hearband pressure have more to do with it.

I just received my Sundaras and I am super excited! I wanted to share my first experience with people who can understand the feeling :slightly_smiling_face:

First impressions of the unboxing and the feeling of the headphones on hand is that of very good quality, way better than it seemed on the videos for me.

Slight clamp pressure but they will surely soften up a bit.

For me the comfort is just way better than my DT770. I really like the pads as well :+1:

Yeah ok the cable is indeed kinda bad but I will live with it for now :thinking:
Also the thingy for adjusting the headband height is a little sketchy for sure.


The sound is very very good. Overall just way better than the 770s in everything. Technically the clarity is great, the detail, separation and placement of sounds and imaging
 all great. I only expected the soundstage to be wider. It does have nice verticallity tho.

The vertical size of the planar does seem to give a “larger” feeling to the sound.

The sound signature is much better than the V-shape I was used. It works well with everything and the mids finally sound present. It sounds a little bright but it is very well controlled and super smooth even with sibilant recordings. Completely different treble than the beyers.

The biggest surprise for me was the bass, it sounds very good stock but it also responds amazingly to EQ.

I can immediately tell that it is fast, very well controlled and also different then dynamic bass 
 at least of the caliber I am used to.

It can hit very hard as well
 I cranked it up with EQ to test and it really gives a sub-woofer type of feeling.

It slams so hard and vibrates the whole can without distortion It is just miles ahead of the 770.

Yes it is true that the deepest sub-bass isn’t as audible or hard-hitting as the closed back but the rest of the low end is so good that I just don’t care,like at all.
Planar-bass is real


Nice job breaking it down. That is how it went down for me as well. I feel like the Sundara is the best headphone I own right now.


I’m just happy that I ended up with something I really like. I thought I would be making a few compromises here and there but these are only upgrade from everything I have heard.

It’s the first open back I hear as well and I prefer them to closed back, although I thought they would sound completely different from each other.

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I bought anandas few weeks ago and I have to say
 Because of that purchase I have more respect to sundara than I had before. They’re not lacking behind anandas sound wise at all, except the “big sound part” which is obviously even bigger in anandas.
Sadly sundaras don’t fit my ears too well and I’m much more comfortable in anandas.

But sundaras, for ÂŁ300 are amazing value, especially if they fit you well.

Just needed to praise them.


Good point and thanks for sharing. Really at their price and a little above Sundara is worth respect. And i am happy that more and more people discovers Sundaras potency. I was thinking of anandas also but as i love my Sundaras and they are most comfortable to my ears decided to stop yet. Ananda are really good but as you said sundaras is not lacking at all. They need better cable but if this is the decision that hifiman made to give us such affordable price for such sounding headphone then i completely suport them.
Hifiman with sundara let so many people to taste what they eve didn’t knew was possible in this price tier. Aleluja for that :slight_smile:


I am having a really great session with them right now. I know there are many sets out there that are far superior, but damn I like these phones. And how they pair with this hybrid tube is spectacular! It was a lucky hunch but it worked out really well. I love the detail and separation they give. You can hear everything. And the stage is very large and deep. Things happen above my head and so on. Often times you can get a sense of the room. I feel this is a solid performer. I am enjoying them with extreme prejudice! :sunglasses:


And, as you have probably discovered, the Sundaras are Great for the complexities of orchestral music! Big difference for me though when moving from the jds atom to the Asgard 3. That extra power just brought them to life, increased that SS depth and took the harsh edges off, without losing clarity. Have fun.


You are spot on, Sir. This is now my go to set for “All Things Classical”! I think these phones are also a bit more versatile than they get credit for. I say that because they sound pretty great with both amps I have here. These do love some power for sure, and if you don’t have it you do miss just a little bit. But both these amps provide more than enough and the Sundara leverages that power beautifully. At times I experience a little harshness on the upper end when going through the SP200, it all depends on the music. You can EQ it out pretty easily, so it’s certainly no deal breaker. But going through the hybrid tube is an absolute joy. That wonderful bit of “tubiness” that the TA-20 brings to the party gets accentuated by the Sundaras and what you end up with is a fantastic listening experience.

You know, I haven’t had the opportunity to listen to a headphone in the 1K plus price point or above, so I have no idea how these stack up against headphones of that ilk. I do feel however that the Sundara delivers excellent performance and value for the price.


is it possible to manually loosen the hinge where the earcups pivots?

My review for the Sundara (2020): HIFIMAN SUNDARA - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Possibly my endgame headphones.