đŸ”¶ HiFiMan Sundara

I am a big fan of clean audio. I wouldn’t mind some colouring of the sound either. So I guess I could go either way on that. Would you recommend the SH-9 for just clean and clear sound?

If you want some color but a mostly clean sound you might wanna look into Schiit. I’m personally not a fan but thay’s due to their EU customer support being assholes xD

Their products sound good from what I read from the forum and US customer service is a lot better from what I read!

Well let’s say I wanted purely clean sound. What would you recommend in my price range?

SH9, Topping A30 pro, Drop+THX AAA,

Look at the futures you want. They’re all very similar

I’ll check them out. What’s your position on the Topping A50s and/or S.M.S.L SP200?

Gotta give a shout for the Asgard 3. Plenty of power and warms the Sundaras just a
bit. I do recommend a dac when you can. I use the Topping e30.

Haven’t heard anything about the A50s so no opinion.
The SP200 is a tiny bit smaller, bit cheaper, slightly higher SNR (not that you’d hear it) and has no remote or fancy screen :stuck_out_tongue:
I also think it has a volume pot but not sure on that. The SH-9 has a relay volume system instead.

I have de SP200 with the DAC I think is good for the prica I use it with my Sundaras and usually have the knob at 12 on low gain or 9 at high gain so at least for me it have enough of power to drive them.

Yep, same here. The Sundaras are very power hungry, but the SP200 can drive them without issue. I ran the M200/SP200 stack for a while and the two performed really well together. The AK chip set is very nice and creates a great signal for the SP200, which then adds NOTHING to the mix and amplifies the $#@% out of it, cleanly and with authority.

It’s one of those mighty-might amps, void of features but big on powah! Great value proposition.

Powered them with a second hand zen stack (dacv2/can) really loving the combo and xbass with the sundara. especially cause I only spend 200 euros for it hehe :smirk:


For a fun listing esperience, Sundara or T20rpmk3?

I have a sundara but no dac or amp right now. I’m considering the jds amp stack(top choice) vs jds amp + apple dongle vs drop+thx aaa 789 vs any other amp dac combo under $250. Does anyone have any suggestions on what is good?

jds stack would drive sundara perfectly fine. i wouldn’t recommend you to cheap on apple dongle, it has 0.5 - 1v of output power vs 2v standart rca dac


Any idea what’s the difference between it and the schiit stack, and which might be better?

i feel the sound with no soul
Need real burn?

What is soul to you? If you listen and want fun, warm and not neutral headphones and this is what you call soul. Then Sundara is not for you and has no such “soul”. Burn in ofcourse makes them better but still it will be mostly neutral. Some source could add more coloration. But for me it has much more soul than these funny but not truth mainstream tunings. Sundara has no such make up that makes music more easy and fun but at the same it lets trully enjoy music at wider genres and dig deeper to it without childish sugar candy

Hey, guys. I absolutely don’t mean to be critical, but I’m a bit short of time and exhausted tonight, so forgive me in advance for any gaffe, and I totally know this is a very good headpiece, a gem in its price range. But I would need it for a specific application — gaming. I’ve heard about some stage/imaging inaccuracies such as making people sound closer to you than they are (prioritizing the left-right axis over the front-back axis heavily). This may be important to me because I tend to play 3D RPGs (either FP or TP), which means plenty of close-quarters team combat with both enemies and allies (and sometimes you have a duty to keep those allies alive or save them), with archers and casters in the mid-range or farther, plus those pesky backstabbing rogues doing their monkey business on your flanks and behind you. Would the Sundara’s stage + imaging tend to misposition some of them from time to time or would I be reliably safe? Laser precision would not be needed, just the avoidance of sounds coming from the wrong places.

To simplify, though, if you can play CS without being misled or especially a shooter in which you also use knives or some other melee attacks, then I’m probably gonna be safe in my RPGs.

I’ve been playing CSGO (MGE/DMG on EU servers) on the sunny’s since about april. I’m loving it!

I think the imaging is great. Maybe not perfect perfect, but I do not have the ears to hear the difference between perfect and great. As for the soundstaging. I love it. It’s nice and wide but not HD800-overly-wide.

They also take very well to light EQ’ing. Resulting in me using it w/o EQ for music and having a movie EQ and CS EQ lol

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Thank you! What amp do you use with them?

SMSL SH-9 (not that amazing) and the xDuoo MT-602 (only 99$ or even cheaper in europe :stuck_out_tongue: )

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