Hey everyone, hope I’m doing this right.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me as I couldn’t find anything on here previously about this topic.
Quite often when looking at amps the site will only list their output at 16 or 32 ohms so I was wondering if there is a way to convert this output to a different ohm headphone. Ok it won’t be too accurate because there are other factors but it would be useful to have as a rough guide of whether an amp that only lists output at 16 ohms will perform well enough at say, 300 ohms.
Idk if this is possible or if I’m just being dumb but it seems to me that there should be a way to do this.
Ask me any questions if you don’t understand my question. Staff if I did this wrong pls tell me what I should do instead no clue what I’m doing lol
Ty in advance
Also might not reply for a bit going to do the slep