How much does appearance affect your opinion of a headphone?

Stax, hifiman, Sonoma, kingsound, koss, mrspeakers (dca), monoprice, Shure, + more niche that I can’t think of atm

Stax has always been a weird company from what I read and almost comes across as a mom and pop type outfit operated by like 10 people. I remember reading reviews of their new flagship tube energizer and people would remark that the tubes they were using were kind of crappy, low end ones. Then they remarked Stax only uses equipment available to them in Japan (or only made in Japan?) or something and it kinda makes sense in context.

The only thing that bugs me about Stax is that Hifiman and DCA make their Estats dust resistant and Stax doesnt which means those dust covers are necessary

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Well I mean I make sure to prevent dust on all my estats but yeah it is a bit irritating

Quite a lot for me…

wow, cant they like, put a screen or something in the headphones to prevent dust from getting on them?

I think they can’t do that or make them closed back because their membrane needs to vibrate and get air moving in a certain way to generate their sound. I think DCA and HifiMan get around it by treating their earspeaker elements to resist dust (there was an interview with Dan Clarke on the Voce and what they do.)

Stax seems very isolated from the rest of audio community in this sense. I doubt they’d ever even heard you could do this till they figure it out themselves.

I think they might not want to do this so it doesn’t add too much cost or mess with their desired sound

that’s true.
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