I forgot how good the HD599se sound!

I’ve been loving my NHC for the last 6 or so months, so my HD599se were forgotten. I bumped into them the other day when I was sorting through some things, so pulled em out to try on my Zen DAC. wow…so nice! :smiley:

They are excellent headphones and for the $110 Canadian they drop to on black friday it’s a literal steal. Great alternative to the 58x for gaming. And sounds great for a lot of music

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I love my NHC…but they’re only semi-open and I really like open headphones, so the light airy feel these give is great. and the bass isn’t that bad either. not tons, but doesn’t feel lacking in most of the music I’ve listed to.

HD599 is very good. My most comfortable headphones. Sold them, though, because of too much HPs…

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does anyone know if you can use cables without that twist lock the HD599se has?

I suspect you just need to watch for how big the boot is below the jack you plug into them.