I had recently bought the m570’s headphones and wanted to get an amp too, so I got the JDS atom amp, but I had not known that they didn’t come with cables. I’m not sure what cable I should be getting. should i just be using a 3.5 audio jack or should I be getting an RCA L and R to 3.5 audio jack?
I had gone onto the forum since I wasn’t sure where I would connect on my sound card and i got some help and was told to just connect it to the Front L R cable, but now that I have the amp and it didn’t come with cables I’m not sure what cable I should be getting.
also what volume should my windows volume be at now that I have an amp? Should I put it 100% and adjust the volume on the amp?
btw quick question should I turn on the gain and have a lower volume on the amp or should I leave it off and go higher in volume? for gain the knob is around 7 from 0 and low gain is around 3 from 12
So you shouldn’t have to crank it to get to listenable volume, and you shouldn’t have it where it gets too loud too quick, sorry for the confusion. You would just set this by ear