I hate being colorblind

…can’t tell if the light on my charging headphones is red or green! :rage:

Well, as long as you’re not brightness-blind :slight_smile: and you know exactly what colors that light can be in different situations (in this case I’m assuming only red or green), you could apply some monochrome semi-transparent filter sheet material over the light: cover half of it with green filter, half with red filter, and make marks near each with a marker. When the light is red, the half covered by the red filter will light up far more than the other half, when it’s green it’s the other way around. (Or get a phone app that can name you the color of anything you point it at, but that might be too complicated for just a 2-color light.)

LoLoL! it’s a first world problem…I’m just annoyed I have no music to listen to right now cause the headphones are on the charger. :wink:

I’ll start the debate then… Colour

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there’s no debate…proper English vs. American English. both exist in their rightful spaces. LoL!

Lol! Killed the debate there and then…

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I’ve seen stuff like that get ugly. dictionaries thrown, thesaurii torn to shreds, paper cuts…oh the blood…the blood…everywhere. :rofl:


Must have been hectic! Can’t imagine the hours of therapy required to un-see that. Off topic, what colour was the blood? :sweat_smile: