Looking for a replacement device for the FiiO M11, which I was going to get before 82 hours of hellfire wiped out fucking AKM …FUCK!!!
The DAP in the title may be my savior (that isn’t on goddamn fire) and i’m wondering if you maniacs know anything good/bad about it?
One more question for those who have it,
Can you listen to your Tidal playlist offline with it?
Or other providers too, or is it only possible online?
As far as I’ve heard, two or three improvements have been made.
The display, Android 8.2 and something else.
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Not too much of a loss. I thought the m11 was pretty lackluster. I don’t really care for mine. Unless I’m using it connect to another amp maybe.
I actually preferred my r6 to the m11. The m11 is clean but very sterile sounding in my opinion. Very claustrophobic soundstage.