I have a pouch too… It’s weird you don’t have it!
No need to send it back and create more work for Amazon couriers.
I have a great IEM and I love it. That’s all I need to know.
That pouch will only be good to carry coins when playing D&D
Just trying to sort a decent 3.5mm source to try them on…Charging my og iDSD Micro as I can’t be arsed to swop my DX300 back to the 11.2 Amp card if that fails then I’ll have to get me Torx driver out
I’m just glad I swapped my K3 to Zen Dac V2 for 11.11
I have Zen DAC v1! Great source. But some of my IEMs have a hiss (Mele, Aladdin) while others don’t (ZEX pro, VR3000). Do you have any issues?
Maybe the chip got upgraded for the V2, 'cos I don’t hear a hiss on the Mele and not even the most sensitive KZ ZEX. But it could also be it’s so slight that I didn’t notice. K3’s noise floor was notorious.
I have no idea how it sounds like but I kinda wanna demo and see this iem in person just for the design alone.
Looks like a micro HD800 transformer
Wow I did not realized that. It does! It’s like it’s ready to attack if we put them in our ears.
Very aggressive styling there, reminds me of Evangelion
Do you power yours through USB or 5V adapter? My Oxygen also has a hiss…
First impressions of VR3000…Bass lacks slam kinda lazy and bleeds into the mids…mids are forward especially female vocals (Kate Bush) this’s where they shine upper mids and treble are none fatiguing again
…soundstage is L and R is in your head no forward or vertical soundstage …not a gamer so maybe this’s
But saying that they perform well for their asking price but for £18 a bargain
Ah I didn’t pick up on the bass bleeding into the mids. Agree with most of your points! Need to check if soundstage is only L&R.
Thoughts on imaging?
Finally they came out, if you do demo would be curious on your thoughts on them, after trying other acoustune they have my attention
I just use USB, Zeos said in his review that he couldn’t hear a difference with the added power. Even with the USB I don’t have anything that goes beyond 12 o’clock; VR3000 might be the hardest to push up to 10 o’clock without high gain.
Now that you’ve mentioned I think it does bleed slightly. But the bass slam seems to get better the more I listen, don’t know if breaking in makes a difference. But it’s true, for £18? Holy FUNK.
Tea does have the best forward-backward soundstage. I do hear the vertical stage on the VR3000 tho. Imaging is way beyond expectation for the price, again.
After these days of listening, to describe VR3000 in one word: FAST.
Did i just listen to the audio track of a porn vid?? it’s a nice song; not too familiar with Fleetwood Mac but might get into them more. Listened on my Oxygen - nicee
I’m A/B with my iBasso IT00 and I’d take the 00’s for my library …the zero’s are more rounded…Bass although not sub-unctuous is fast n tight and doesn’t bleed…mid’s are less forward more balanced and the uppers just spot on as is the treble for this price point…IT00 > VR3000 for my library…gaming
Haha, I’ll happily take that loss then!
I’m also wondering if it’s AMP dependent? For me it sounds different between Zen Dac V2 and MT-602 tube Phone jacks are really just so-so, and with a dongle the cleanness and attack shoots up.