IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Place another Olina filter (comes with) on top of the pre-existing filter. Takes like 5 minutes :+1:


Replacement filters are included in the olina box.
You take one filter and put it on the nozzle, on top of the existing filter. Then you have a modded olina.

Adding this filter brings the bass up and tames the treble.

Many people have declared they like the modded olina. I find it too dark and prefer the stock one. At least with olina you have choice, and trying is free and reversible.


That was my mentality when i included the BGVP in my short list up top, i have a Tiandirenhe with the replaceable filter feature and it really changes the signature quite drastically.
However at this time there is really no proper review on this model, seems it was just launched.

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Counterpoint on Kai lacking details: Putting tape on the front vent increases bass (mostly in the sub-bass area), and then putting tape on the back vent decreases bass (mostly in the mid-bass area), which flattens out the bass response overall, without decreasing the quantity too much. You get a cleaner mids response which opens up the perceived detail overall.

Overall, Kai is better for musicality and Olina is better for technicalities. Modding both brings them closer to each other, but the basic DNA will be the same


Thatā€™s quite surprising, actually.
And they cost nearly the same, but are from entirely different companies.

It is a little surprising but also not: the person at the heart of the tuning for both sets has a particular vision for how the music should sound. So his sets are going to share more similarities than not, even across different brands.

Like I think Mele and Kai have nearly identical music reproductions. But you can hear the changes in the bass and upper-mids tuning HBB made for Kai, and I personally feel the Kai has a better driver with better technicalities than Mele


I had to take a step back and read it again, i keep confusing the Mele and the Olina, perhaps due the similar shell design.

Shopping around a bit more, what do you guys think about the BQEYZ Topaz?
And additionally, if i chose an earphone with a 2 pin connector, what do you guys think, should i order it with a 3.5mm or a balanced cable?
I have a spare Openheart 2 pin unbal 3.5mm cable not being used at the moment, perhaps i could use it in my brand new earphone.

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Regarding 3.5mm VS balanced cable, I want to say that usage/convenience should prevail: if the gear you listen your gear on is balanced, then yeah, go ahead!


I donā€™t have a balanced amp just yet, but iā€™m thinking about upgrading to one in the near future.

for IEMā€™s it usually doesnā€™t matter SE vs balanced, unless your source is very handicapped through SE


Even with headphones, amps like E30 or HO100 should cover 90% of the offer while being versatile enough for iems. So yeah, you donā€™t really need balanced on desktop use nowadays (except you believe it can change sound in a way or another).
Portable gear though can need the extra humph provided by balanced, for some headphones.

I recently bought a HO100. It is single ended only, and my he100 is driven fairly loud (and competently) at 12 oā€™clock with mid gain; the Olina have not much of a margin for playing at 9 oā€™clock on low gain, but it is enough for me.

Just noticedā€¦ the E30 is a DACā€¦the L30 is the amp.

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I wont derail to much, but the E30 is great for living room situations. Makes my JBLs sing just fine(with a good amp as well etc.). :smiley:

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Came home to these bad boys :eyes: @nymz

And HUGE thanks to @Sonofholhorse for shipping these over :pray: Bless your kind soul :sob:

I know what Iā€™ll be doing tonight :smirk:


Congratz brother. Hope they treat you good!

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Guys help me, I am stuck with the 7Hz Salnotes Zero. Wtf is happening

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Stuck in what way, exactly?

Waiting for your impressions with bated breath. :face_holding_back_tears:

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I canā€™t stop using it, along with my Airships