IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Have you tried the Oluv EQ? I currently own the Earfun Free 2 and think it is great in (non-audio) technicalities. They pair easy, I can use only one bud and can leave the other one to charge, etc. I have been considering getting the Pro in order to be able to EQ Oluvs profile and to see if it is any good. The only complaint I have with the Free 2 and what keeps me from buying the pro: There are some (low?) frequencies that seem to resonate with the case of the IEM making those specific frequencies sound heavily distorted.

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I have not, but the base model I have (TW301) sounds good enough that I never felt the need. I should give it a try, but the stock tuning is pretty good. I definitely get why he worked from that set of buds.

I should give it a try since it looks like it is basically a firmware update and the only issue would be warrantee, which I am probably well past anyway.

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Hey fellow IEM nuts,

I want to announce my own squiglink. With over 40 measurements amassed I thought I should ask Mark Ryan (Super* Review) about my own instance.
And he provided it super fast and hassle free.
Thank you Mark Ryan you are truly Super.

Youā€™ll find some graphs that couldnā€™t be found on the internet (Hiby Seeds 2, Hifiman R800, JQ Audio 4U
to name a few).

Because Iā€™m so happy now I recorded a super long sound demo just for fun (Hybrid Battle - ISN H40 vs. TRN ST5 vs. Dunu Vulkan)



please upload my target.


Will do. How do you create a personal target? Fiddling in the txt file?


I wrote a guide here:


Oh, I was under the assumption that there was some kind of earfun app to input his eq data, but I guess I didnā€™t look into it enough. If you happen to give it a try let me know!

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Huawei Freebuds Pro 2 - Stunned!

I canā€™t believe this is not butter a wired IEM. 15 min. listening time in, very pleasing synergy between dynamic and planar driver.

Huawei Freebuds Pro 2 frequency response graph



So after a few days with the legend, the myth, the OG EJ07ā€¦ I have some thoughts. To start off, the 07 is one of the best IEM Iā€™ve heard for high volume, only really rivaled by the U12T off memory, but Iā€™ll have to ask my friend for the U12T again for a more accurate comparison. Every time Iā€™m listening to a track the 07 is always enticing me to turn up the volume just a little more, which is amazing for immersion, but not so much for long-term hearing loss :sweat_smile:

The dynamics on this thing is amazing; thereā€™s no drastic changes in volume from any frequency ranges that would create sharp or uneven playback which is a hard thing to do, especially at higher volumes. The transitions are very subtle, refined, and carefully and meticulously done; maybe that explains the treble. Some reviews have pointed out the fact that the treble can be ā€œdarkā€, and yes, I do agree to some extent, for example at mid-volume the treble can indeed sound recessed, however, the point of the 07 is to listen at higher volumes! Thatā€™s where the 07 shines and takes you on a relaxed, but immersive journey.

At higher-volumes cymbals sits perfectly behind other instruments; clear but lowkey, but still clear. Itā€™s very different from the in-your-face, or equal-distance-as-other-instruments of many other IEMs. Here, the treble on the 07 takes a step back (still clear somehow/must be the ESTs) and lets other instruments shine. This really lets me crank up the volume, especially on rock songs without the cymbals destroying my ears.

Imaging and separation is also amazing. Precise, with fast attack and decay. Instrument and vocal placement is very clear, using all parts of the stage as I can clearly hear sound transition from left to right, and up to down. Staging is wide and expansive with a 3D presentation that allows instruments to come from all sorts of angles; going from TEA toā€“>07 I can feel the increased depth and width. But, I do still prefer vocals on the TEA; although the 07 is balanced and clear, thereā€™s just something about the TEAā€™s vocals that sound incredibly natural, as if the singer is singing directly from me. Other than that, the 07ā€™s midrange is as good as it gets; TOTL tuning that is comparable to many of the big boys like the U12T (layering and detail is a different story though).

Possible Improvements: One nitpick for me is that I do wish thereā€™s more sub-bass. For hiphop and POP I feel like the 07 is a bit too lean which is why I added a +3.5db lowshelf at 100hz to see what it would be like, and unsurprisingly that was what the 07 was missing. Other than that for other genres the 07 strikes a perfect balance of immersion and clarity.

I can now officially say that I finally get why thereā€™s a cult following. The experience of an expansive stage, 3D imaging, great separation and clarity with zero-disconnect at high-volume is very very addicting. Iā€™m going to do some more listening before concluding my final thoughts (and possible comparison with the U12T if I can get it), but for now, Thanks for reading!

And special thanks again to @Sonofholhorse!


Playing Mantra by Lorn, on the Fatfreq Maestro Mini. I swear itā€™s vibrating my knees.


But is it good for general usage or more like a one trick pony?

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Do I even need to say something other than welcome home?



Not sure who youā€™re replying to, but Yes and No.

Not an OTP because the sound itself is very balanced and can play pretty much any library, especially excelling at rock/indie/alternative. Staging, imaging, and dynamics are all endgame level along with great clarity and separation.

The only barrier is that youā€™ll need to crank the volume higher than normal since treble can sound dark at lower volumes for sure. For me itā€™s a total winner since I listen above mid-volume all the time.


Great question. I gave it 30 minutes tops between receiving the package at work and having to come home, with a lot of stressful things even in that timeā€¦ I would say

a) Overall yes. The level of bass goes beyond realism for all but tracks that would put you in a club/concert/electronic space where that level of bass is credible. Itā€™s a lot of fun, but in most situation sounds EQed, as youā€™d expect for that many dB elevation.

b) But is it poor in other FR areas? Actually no. Whatever the BA is, itā€™s very impressive both in terms of timbre and range. Having it in the nozzle so close to the opening seemed like a bit of a basic solution to counteracting bass, but clearly its placement and type of BA were well researched and experimented with, the tuning is not at all unreasonable in non-bass areas.

c) Would I keep it? Not at all, my EDC has to be an all-rounder, and I knew going into this that the Maestro would could not be that while delivering the bass levels I was so curious to at least hear for myself. Purely satisfying curiosity.

For people who do listen predominantly to one genre, or like to have a binge where they know bass intense music is what theyā€™ll be listening to for the whole sitting, no issues recommending it, loads of fun, sends vibrations through your body.


How does the FatFreq compare to some of the other bassy IEMā€™s youā€™ve heard?

an Odin with an added W10 and 2 less EST. good thing is same price. think Iā€™ll pass on this.

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Why is the Yume: Midnight not talked about often? These are amazing


A little preview of the new gem from Subtonic. Crazy performance, very high price tag too unf.


Iā€™ve had my eyes on these, but I definitely want to see how they hold up against the competition once released and may need to wait for a used pair to emerge (I have a hard time swallowing the suggested $$$ Iā€™ve seen for these).

How does it compare to sony ex8000st tape mod?