IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

To @GooberBM , I completely agree. There’s no doubt that wanting to keep the gravy train running will undoubtedly influence reviews. In the case(s) Dom and I are specifically referring to, they go well beyond avoiding trashing a product to keep a company happy. They essentially hold each and every one of these products up as highly recommended, must buys. For the three of us (and anyone else with experience), it doesn’t matter all that much because we know about the deals, the motivations, and how to spot shills. I get burnt because there are folks who don’t have that experience who end up reading these “reviews” (they are posted on one of the biggest head gear sites in the world after all) and they take them as legitimate. The fact that they’re allowed to remain posted to a site like headfi that lends them credibility by their leaving them up and associated with the headfi brand is whats troubling. Obviously, it’s profitable for these companies to pay for these “reviews” because the uninitiated are obviously buying based off of them. That’s the part I find troublesome.

To @domq422 , I feel you. This is all a big part of why I spend my time on Headfi generally cruising a select fee threads that have very little of this BS going on. The discovery thread is the only one I hit up regularly that has guys like that on it, but it’s a great way to find some off the beaten path kinda gear so I ignore them and try to keep it to snall doses. I also take the occasion of me being there to call out blatant BS by making fun of the guys we’re talking about (particularly the dude trying to hard sell everyone on the virtues of the Totem cable). I will say that the fact that one of these shills felt comfortable reporting me and another guy to the mods for “harassment” when we were taking him to task for some of his more outrageous claims is indicative of how bad the problem is. When ab obvious shill is cool going to the very folks who should be disciplining him, you know there’s something wrong with the system.


Meanwhile there’s me with my memes XD - screw all that flowery bs man :joy: like just get to the point!! And I think I know the reviewers you guys are talking about, but yeah, this is why I avoid head-fi for the most apart aside from the sales section - can’t be missing out on a good bargain in this economy lol


I don’t go on facebook so I had no idea that they were making it even worse lol! Thanks for that! It makes me feel somewhat better because at least that provides some more context that makes the shillery obvious for anyone who goes looking. I have given Penon a lot of my money because they sell a lot of good products (especially buds that you can’t get anywhere else). That said, I do try to buy what I’m looking for pretty much anywhere else first specifically because of the way they’re cobducting business with these “reviewers.” It leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I specifically avoid purchasing from them when I can brcause of it.

When it comes to the “reviewers” we’re talking about, I don’t understand why they do it. I mean, all of these guys admit to having dozens upon dozens of IEMs and insane amounts of associated gear so what are they doing it for. Is obtaining more new gear that they’ll probably never use more than a couple times for free worth that for them? Does being called a “reviewer” make them feel important? Wouldn’t doing the review thing with a semblance of ethical standards be more rewarding? As I said, I just don’t get it.


An important part of any narrative around Penon is that most people don’t have a frame of reference for anything but Serial, because that’s the only set that truly got hype outside of Head-Fi, let alone having a frame of reference for the rest of their line.

That’s why I’m super excited about getting to hear so many of their sets. I’m already working my way into an opinion on Vortex, that I can assure you I will not be giving a full-bodied recommendation on that set. But getting to be able to put perspective around why I’m in love with Fan 2 will help make suggesting Penon more palatable


I don’t get it either. Maybe they get a cut or something, or just the clout and status of being a “reviewer”/expert. Or they just like doing it, who knows, but shilling a single company is bad marketing tactics - it’s like when an fanboy of company pushes a product onto you, very annoying.


Spicy! I can’t wait to see hear your take


I certainly don’t think my Vortex take will be “spicy” but it won’t be me nut-riding Penon either


Yeah, we know exactly who the people we’re calling out here are. They are definitely a bridge beyond “keeping their foot in the door” with Penon. They will pimp anything Penon/ISN puts out, no doubt about it


I liked Vortex, reminded me of a different version of the Olina, but didn’t have too long with it so excited to hear your thoughts


(Sennheiser IE200/600)


Also, has anyone heard the Audio Hekili and how it compares to some of their sets? Thinking of grabbing a used one.

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:open_mouth: That graph makes me kinda excited for the 200. Hope it comes with a good driver.


That’s not an awful looking graph. That’s a start

Same driver as the rest.


(which is also used in the MTWS3.)


They also got a pretty smart system.


Putting it on my list… if price is right. IE600 was a fun set :metal:

150 euro.

They killed the IE300 for sure now. Even the IE600 might be in danger depending on the tech of this…but same driver so…


I was looking at the one on headfi for $180 because it seemed like a good deal, but I’m happy with my IEM situation and after reading some things, I don’t think it’s likely to be up my alley.

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That seems like a cool idea. It’ll be interesting to see if the execution makes it truly usable rather than just gimmicky.

It will probably be like tuning nozzles, where u try both setups and then just stick with the one you prefer.