IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”

True words, right? I’m a little jealous of the spontaneity. It’s not that I won’t change course or evolve, but I tend to be very meticulous and make sure I’m sure of a move before I make it (Like knowing I wanted to buy a Penon, but waiting months and months until Fan 2 came out and just knowing that was the one to jump on).

I’ve cleared out all the earbud markers I’d laid out for myself, inside of 2 months. I’ve got all the headphones I could want. I’m very close to the “I have nothing else to find” moment of zen, but I can feel I’m missing something. But I don’t know what I don’t know.

Kinda like you felt before the Minis lol


Amen. I enjoy the Quarks DSP way more than the Variations (unless I EQ the Variations), Oracle MK2, IE 600, and on the same level as the SA6 U (with EQ past 10K), which is why I now prioritize tuning way more than technicalities versus when I first started and was like “hOW mUCh dETaiL DOeS iT hAve?” Although I’d love to hear some of the super expensive sets like the STORM etc, I just don’t think I’ll end up liking them from their graph, plus, that “missing” part is almost completely filled currently… if I were to be greedy, my dream IEM would be an all DD set and the tuning would be a mix of the OG EJ07 with more air/micro-details, the vocals from the RSV, and the rumbling bass like the Serratus - which tbh, is perfectly doable even with EQ, then just swap in the low-end with a better DD. Hard part would be scaling it at higher volumes but, I’ll leave that to the magician and artists like Ethan or Jim :sunglasses:

@GooberBM Hopefully one day you’ll find that missing something! Who knows, maybe it might even be the RSV or EJ07 that’s coming your way in the future :wink:


Man talking about all this made me very curious, what would everyone’s “dream” IEM sound like?

Mine is take the upper mids, treble extension and detail of the IE600 and the bass of the maestro minis plus a couple db in the lowe midbass/sub region.

The maestro SE seems like just that but I don’t have 1800 so I’m hoping they deliver something similar at a lower price point


Beyerdynamic Xelento 2nd Generation

Beyerdynamic the well know audio manufacturer from Heilbronn, which is just 75 km away from my home, released the Xelento 2. generation last year in October, This jewelery of an IEM immediately sparked my interest but I was held back by the €999 price tag. Now comes January and I got a nice corporate discount so I clicked the buy button. Not even 24h after ordering I have this gem in my ears.

This is to date my most expensive IEM and without hesitation I can say this is a keeper.

Day 1 impressions

  • adjectives that come to mind: orotund, sonorous, bassy, warm, powerful, lush, high-quality, capable, non-fatiguing
  • Build, packaging and finish is impeccable. The whole product experience feels premium right from opening the box to assembling the set.
  • The buds are very small and fit like nothing in the ears. Very comfortable.
  • The 11mm DD sounds high quality and technically proficient
  • Most coherent single DD I experienced to date
  • Sound signature is bass focused, flat upper midrange (1kHz - 4kHz) has just enough power to not sound hollow
  • pinna gain is minimal but somehow I don’t care or feel it lacking
  • guitar plucks, hi-hats, cymbal strikes sound natural
  • addicting bass performance
  • treble is well extended and has satisfying zing
  • Western tuned IEM
  • Has that distinct Beyerdynamic Tesla driver flavor

Best genres/sound styles: EDM, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Bass guitar, Drum 'n Bass, Drums,
Not recommended for: K-Pop, high pitch vocal tracks

Oh and btw the burn-in effect is real. I measured this on several DD sets now. Most notable changes are at roughly around 3-4 h playtime, not ridiculous 200h.


This is the FatFreqs IEM I need to try the most, before I’m done. Besides the new Penon flagship which probably is hella tasty, this is the IEM I want to try.

What is the dream IEM, that is actually attainable? I dunno :upside_down_face: :melting_face:


It looks incredible. it’s not for my library and I’ll probably never try it, but it really looks promising! Enjoy!! :notes:

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Ooo that tuning looks solid. Just found this on linsoul, and although it might not be the dream IEM, but at $80 it’s looking pretty solid from the specs:

4 tuning switches? I’m in. Let’s hope the tuning is :+1:

Was that red one graphed directly after 3-4 hours of usage?

Hehe, good luck, if you’re taking a shot on it

it seems most people on discord believe that is KZ in disguise lol.


yes exactly

Could you try measuring again when it is “fresh”? That is, not after having been playing music.

Sure I’ll measure tomorrow morning. If it then measures like out of the box we have discovered the new warm-up effect :grin:

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Looking very solid, brother! Congrats on pulling the trigger and entering the shadow realm :sweat_smile:

Happy Listening!


If it measures the same as the OOTB, then it is a case of power compression.

Basically, when a speaker is driven hard, the voice coil heats up and the resistance increases. As the resistance increases, the voltage sensitivity decreases and the acoustic output is reduced.

This is mainly something concerning speaker DDs I believe though, since they get fed a ton of watts in power so the heat up a LOT more than regular iem DDs.


I love that you’re brave enough to say that you enjoy the DSPs over those other big boys, that’s huge. It’s important that we ground ourselves every now and again and this is a perfect example. Hmmm good question, I don’t know what my dream IEM would be …

I would combined the Bass presentation from the Minis, the Vocal texture and clarity of the Dark Magicians, and the Stage presentation from the Serratus … I bet this is out there somewhere from one of those $10,000 per IEM boutique brands but I’ll never know, that’s for sure! :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I think my “Dream” IEM is the Fan 2’s bass because I’m mid-bass ≥ sub-bass, with the mids texture of P1 Max/DM, the treble and soundstage depth of Grand Rider 1, and the soundstage width/technicalities of Serratus.

That might jut be Ripples (minus the Serratus soundstage part), full stop lol


Just calling it as I see it haha. I think with EQ the Variations are still better, but DSP is $500 cheaper so🤷‍♂️ You know what, I think I’ll take Serratus’ stage as well.

@GooberBM Oh, the DSP is probably not up your alley then. Literally recessed mid-bass :joy:

I tried both the Truthear Zero and HBB Khan.

Variations-style tuning is NOT my thing. I have no idea how people live that way