IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I also miss Akros database being available somewhewere, he has tons of measurements of exotic sets.

Here is a screenshot of a screenshot from Akros’ video - red VE, blue Serial - it looks aligned all the way to 800Hz, then starts to differ significantlky at 5kHz.


I can only see that treble boost from 5k sounding worse to my ears even if the rest is aligned (which is odd that it does, I’m used to the Serial graphing with a longer midrange)

Fair enough. You know - I have my past choice supportive bias clicking and want some more people to bite on the same piece of crap :person_shrugging:

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Here’s an interesting chart comparison of three tips all on the same IEM. This comparison was done mostly aimed to detecting nuances in the bass that are unseen on the graph. One for how the tip bore size may interact with the driver’s ability to expand and contract. Two how the tip material type may interact with the frequency, in this case the possibility of foam altering sound waves that can’t be measured by my coupler or at least seen on the graph. Three how the bore size interacts with my ear anatomy and the sound differences I hear between tips.

One of my kids is out of school sick today. I’ll try to get around to updating this post with my discovery later today after their doctor appointment. In the meantime please chime in with any thoughts you may have. I’m having a blast with all this measuring and seeing how things are or aren’t represented on the charts that we often discuss. Both in relation to the driver types and also the tips. What I will say is, so far in my findings to tips, the higher frequencies seem better represented on the graph however, the bass seems to represent quit the opposite. Each of these tips represented a completely different audible response not seen on the graph. To any of you experienced on rew and measuring is there any way to dive more into this? Maybe through rainbow tables or something.


Really neat stuff! :smiley: :+1:

I also experimented with tips at one point and also got wildly different results in the treble past around 2.5Khz. And funny enough like you said I was also looking to see differences in the bass since that’s where I feel tips make the biggest difference to my ears. :rofl: :man_shrugging:

I realize that what I’m doing isn’t anything new. My goal isn’t to try and discover anything new that hasn’t been already. Just using this as a means of self discovery. I’m trying to avoid going to deep into articles to avoid forming a biased. I want to see if my thoughts eventually are reenforced by others or completely off.

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I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re asking but I remember reading somewhere ARTA’s CSD plotting can maybe be useful in determining an IEM’s technicalities while REW’s CSD is pretty useless haha :sweat_smile:

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So far I’m seeing similar results in relation to treble and I get to see it on the graph and can also hear it. The oddity is the bass. With my limited knowledge of rew it seems as of now the coupler and software are unable to detect the bass differences as they all graph so close. I stand by my ears though that there is 100% a difference in the bass is presented.


Well changing one part of the frequency changes how you perceive the whole frequency.

When pulling down the upper-midrange on some IEMs I’ve noticed the treble open up, because it’s less masked. Getting better mid-treble will make the lower-midrange/bass sound less muddy when the clarity improves (for me). So your bass perception can move without changing the bass response


I think this is what’s going on. @MMag05 one thing you can try is to EQ one tip graph to match the other and see if you hear a difference in bass?

Another thought is the coupler isn’t our ear so it could be that the tip and our ears are doing something with the bass that is not seen on the graph

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I’ve been familiar with this part. I’ve had similar experiences with the clarity. Whats crazy though is what doesn’t seem to be the result of one frequency effecting another but, how the bore/material is effecting the bass harmonics and not visible on the measurement. It’s extremely notable in kick drums and EDM bass hits/drones where I don’t believe those higher frequencies matter. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

For instance the smaller bore on the Type E creates a punchier bass to my ear. The more open bore on the foam seems boomer. The perplexity is are the harmonics of the just the bass, maybe another way to word it is are the sound waves, being altered enough to create audible yet undistinguished graphed result. Either way one of two, possibly something else, seems to be altered by the time it hits my eardrum.

It seems that the bore size would have some effect. Like if you were to take the same subwoofer and box just change the port hole size. Except here we also have the tip material like if my car were interior lined with versus say an old truck with no interior lining. I don’t believe either scenario would change what the sub is outputting however, how the sound waves interacting and possibly effect the bass harmonics. Anyway I’m definitely not here to argue. I’m just spit balling thoughts on a fun journey and hopefully spur some conversation and learn some more through it.


How does the DTE500 sound to you? I remember you saying something felt wonky. Still wonky with different tips?

Yeah, I could believe this has an effect. The way the tip gets the sound to your ear does change and make a difference. That is true

The W1 tips completely changed my thoughts on it. Of my tips they’ve been the only one that got the DTE500 to something I enjoy. Which I only got around to tip rolling with this past weekend. Hence part of why I made these measurements. The IEM wasn’t offensive in anyway just had to get a tip nailed down and this set is an extremely tip sensitive one.

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So considering the DTE500 and EST50 are both 1+2+2 tribrids, at the same price point, with scary similar tunings…

What say you on the actual differentiators between the two?


Also wondering how they stack up. Are they worthy of the hype we’ve been seeing on headfi?

Side note: Been on the fence on whether to try the SR8. Perhaps be a test subject for the rest of us here

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I’m actually A/B’ing them right both with the W1 tips. Didn’t feel right trying to compare them before I got to tip role on the DTE500. Also, uploaded the EST50 graph with the W1 tips.

Crazy how close they are especially in the higher ranges


thats interesting that even though they graph so similiarly and are a similar set up the DTE500 came off wonky initially whereas the EST50 seems like it killed it for you from the get-go

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Neat stuff! Have you seen this database?

Maybe you can try to reproduce their findings using whatever tips you have that also appear on their list!

For me, I generally thought Final E raised bass and tamed treble, while big bores increased the treble…


You wont really see the effect tips has for you on graphs.