IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

For me it would be either Kailua or Zero:Red.

Kailua has more mid bass and sounds more natural whereas Red has really good sub-bass and lean mids that affect male vocals.

Soundstage is slightly wider/deeper on Red but instrument separation (especially bass and mids) is better on Kailua.

Finally I prefer the treble on Kailua for some reason but ymmv.

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While I agree with the EA500 and Kailua, they are both closer to $80. For the $50 range my personal favorite is still the QKZxHBB, but it has more bass that most, the Crin Red seems like a good pick for a quality neutral. The Z300 is pretty good as well.


Z300 is underwhelming in the details department after hearing Kailua. But it’s double the price…

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Info think that it’s worth spending a little more to Kailua instead of Z300, Cadenza or other budget picks.

Otherwise, HeartMirror Zero for $30 is my favorite budge set by far.

I did try budget picks like Chu and the Wan’er, now i want something like a step up. So does 50 bucks enough for an upgrade? Or i should wait and save some more and go for 90$-100$ range to try a big step up?


I would wholeheartedly suggest going above $50 to about $120. In that range are bangers that are a level above the under-$50 sets. Depending on your preferences and style of sound you like, my personal list includes (but is not limited to):

  • Simgot EA500
  • Truthear Hexa
  • TinHifi P1 Max
  • Fiio JD7
  • Tripowin x HBB Olina SE
  • Kinera Celest PhoenixCall
  • Tri Starsea
  • Sound Rhyme SR5
  • Juzear 41T
  • Simgot EM6L

No. Go for $90-$100.


Wait and go above $50 if you can.
I haven’t try many in that price range but here are the ones that were reviewed well like P1 Max and EM6L.
At $79, Kailua is good and there is also the new 7Hz Sonus.


I have to agree with the others, you’re in a range where incrementalism is dangerous and diminishing returns can kick in sooner rather than later. Stretch yourself, even if you have to save up for it, so long as you have a general idea of what you’re looking for (preferred signature, as well as what you find most important ie timbre, technicalities, specific performance of bass/mids/treble).


Go up to the 100 usd range as the others said. If you cant afford it now, then you can save up and get something even better in the future thanks to chifi powercreep.


I’m gonna compare some $100 range IEMs sometime early September as they’ve being pilling up for a while now, so stuff like the Hexa, Olina SE, EM6L, Tangzu Fudu, and 7hertz Sonus etc.

Currently my favourite would be the Fudu, P1 Max, or Olina SE (need more time to compare) as they’re the most musical without sacrificing too much tech. In terms of pure separation and “cleanliness” though I think the Sonus and Hexa are still the best, but a bit lacking in the special sauce department - aka can sound boring and too safe. The EM6L has too much uppermids gain (3-8K) for me but can be good if those areas aren’t sensitive spots for you.

Like a lot: Fudu, P1 Max, Olina SE

Good and safe: Sonus, Hexa

Debatable: EM6L (it sounds better if you apply a 400-mesh filter on)


ok wow.

Did Sony really take cues from my target??? :astonished: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:






Who are you and why are you here?


QDC Superior

Just some impressions about the Superior, have it on loan from a good friend. Very few people have talked about this, not weird as it’s only available through amazon japan as far as I know. Costs around 100usd and is a single DD iem.

First comfort is very good, the shell is well built and very beautiful and in a way make the cost reflect the quality over most cheap IEMs. Uses a normal 2 pin connector instead of the older QDC models with the QDC type.
I have no idea about how the accessories and stock cable is, as he shipped it to me without anything.

Superior is a very detailed and forward sounding single DD, upper mids probably raises fast. Give you a very clear and energetic sound, at the cost of it can become fatiguing.

Bass is tight and fast and has great slam and rumble, very nice sub extension. More sub bass focus than midbass.

Mids has vocals in focus, slightly forward and clear(but not thick). Instruments also, for personal preference some more fullness is better. But this way makes vocals shine more, this also goes for instruments like guitars and strings.

Treble is forward but never sibilant or harsh. just very detailed and clear. Good air without sounding fake.

Soundstage is quite big and textured, larger than all my cheaper single DDs… At least going by memory. (Soundstage can be very personal, how we perceive stage depth and layering etc)



I think the MM is a VERY good IEM, it just doesn’t wow me the way some summit-fi IEMs do. And I think summit-fi gear with summit-fi prices should wow the user.

Edit: Even though the Subtonic Storms didn’t click with me ultimately, they did things that I have never heard an IEM do and they definitely wowed me quite a few times.


I would agree about saving up and moving up a price bracket. Kailua and EA500 are great at 80. Olina SE, and P1 Max at 100.

For 20 you can get the Hola and QKZxHBB, but save your money and skip everything until the listed ones.

I know some people really like Cadenza, but i was disappointed with the bass, it had a weird thin quality to my ears. I have never tried the Heart Mirror, mostly due to the lack of sub bass. Lots of people modded it for extra bass.


Glad to hear you’re still in the IEM review game!! :fire:
Your Zero:Red and Kailua review were great.


With these I’d add Planars

S12Pro, Wu Zetian to that range as well.

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