IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

This succinctly summarizes the matter.


My impressions of the Moondrop Starfield II are up in my HiFiGuides thread and on my blog.


Has anyone else found that IEMs make the nauseous? I get motion sickness on planes and sometimes and cars, and just recently, I started to think it might be made worse by in ear headphones. I didn’t know if anyone else had experience in this, but wanted to make sure I wasn’t crazy.

Walking around and using the day-to-day poses no problem, only in situations where I may already be feeling sick. Any thoughts?

I can only go from my experience with 21 different sets of iems over 7 years. But I realise I’m not going to win any fans or support about the subject so fill yer boots and shake the pitchforks. Opinions and experience differ on many more important subjects bigger than this.


Just found a shop selling Pentaconn Coreir at close to Japanese domestic retailing price.

A bit fishy though😅


I did not experience that myself but as the balance organs are inside the ear this could make sense.
Pressure compensation is probably not working right when you got something in your ears, especially with such a good seal you get from most tips.
Or do you maybe use IEMs with boneconduction?

The more I see about the Hype 2, the more I think that might be my next goal IEM. Normally I like to let things stew for a while on sets above $200.

I figure with it being a 2DD it likely won’t be insanely large, unlike the Monarch models. If anyone that has listened to them could give a sense of how large they are, I would appreciate it.

I had them briefly. Size wise they are average and fit well. What sets do you currently have?

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New 14BA set from Aful called Cantor - coming this fall if no delays :eyes:

Which Plating looks better to you guys, the top one or bottom? :thinking:


AFUL could do better with the design I’d say.

From my taste, the faceplate artwork is too busy, and artsy.

The art need heartfelt essence, and from that I only could feel “it’s something out of Stable Diffusion “


Given only the two choices the top. Seems a bit more refined. Overall though not really a fan of either.


Agree. If being told to chose either one, top one uses better color match.

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I like the white one on the top.


Harman with stupid bass curve incoming.

It was 12.99 so I got to try KZ’s recent DD development progress.

Last models that contains KZ’s latest DD I got was ZNA, and I was fairly impressed.

Just got shipping notice, hope they made some progress.


My MMR Thummim finally showed up on Saturday and these bad boys are something truly special. I’ve never heard anything even remotely like them. They’re dynamic and powerful, while being musical and nuanced at the same time. I am just sucked into the experience when I have them in. Honestly, they’ve been blowing my mind and that’s not easy to do.


I actually do like both, but especially the top.


What is the tech/driver setup behind it? Skimming their site I saw “ 4 electrostats” but does that account for the full FR?

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1DD/4BA/4EST hybrid

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I DD(Foster), 2 mid BAs, 2 high BAs, and 4ESTs.

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I hope they heard all the feedback and changed the tuning. I tried the prototype and it was really bad.

They have an upcoming 1BA iem loaded with tech that blew everyone’s mind tho. Keep an eye on for that one.