IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

(red squig is it, blue line is apparently a 700 usd unspecified iem.)

Seems similar to the driver used in the Vento Conductor T-500 Pro

Which iirc, is similar to the KBEAR BElieve.

It is a single DD.

With no pictures of it internally at all, it just sounds like they are claiming that the resin will have dampening properties.

I dont see any vents at all

Resin is 3d printed by heygears, same as the Moondrop Resin iems.


Anybody feeling like setting $200 on fire for science? Cause it can’t be me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It doesnt really look special to me. Just a DD inside a fancy shell and fancy marketing terms.

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Exactly! That’s what’s got me laughing so hard. You could cut the price by 2/3rds and it’s still probably just a set lol

It’s got Penon Serial shell vibes though…

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The high cost is because they used Heygears…their MOQ is no joke. So they simply raised the price of it cuz no way they are gonna be selling the amount that the MOQ is.

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So basically (all numbers are made up for the purpose of the example):

If Heygears sells their shells for say $20 a shell and has a MOQ of 5000 units that would bring the price per shell down to $5 and this IEM company had a $10,000 budget for the shells, they’re making the decision that ordering 500 or fewer shells at $20 is more efficient for their needs than getting the 5000 units, and as you say increasing the price to maintain a profit margin?

Nah they dont print for you unless you order the MOQ. So at MOQ 1000 pieces and each piece costs 5 usd that be 5000 usd for 500 pairs.

So rather than sell the iem for say 50 usd (10 usd shell + 10 usd driver/mats + 20 other costs) = 10 usd profit). Which would mean they need to sell 500 units.

They go with the higher price for the iem at 200 usd, which would be 160 usd profit (based on numbers above) would mean they “only” need to sell 31 ish units to break even with the shell MOQ costs.


Gotcha. Good luck to them. I hope their set sounds good but I’ll never find out!

Oh by the way, Campfire Audio has their fans big-mad right now:

Looks like they’re putting out new models that are taking the place of some of the older more “beloved” models and people are salty :smiley:

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With Bellsing drivers? :joy:


Shhh, they’re NOT Bellsing.

I dunno what you’re talking about. They CAN’T be Bellsings. You must have your information confused…


Right, then its LS/E-Audio instead. :rofl:

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I’ve never heard a Campfire IEM so I admit I am a LITTLE curious…

But not enough to scratch that itch

You know…I was about to get a review unit from them, but they noped out of it as soon as they checked my other reviews lol.

Dang, you’re out here scaring companies like you’re gonna John Wick them


Yeah lol.

Every single interaction with a western iem company has been shitty for me.

CA: Declining review unit after they saw my review (and me using graphs).

Earsonics: Had to return the unit after I shat on it, also owes me money cuz they told me they were gonna refund me for the shipping cost, they did not.

Periodic Audio: They got pissed after my review of the BE.


No, the answer is not “stop making shitty IEM”. Nope, never.

Obviously, you’re the problem! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ll leave this here.


Close ties to the Chinese Communist Party! Placing devices in close proximity to the brains of Americans! We need to ban them on national security grounds!



Am I the only one who doesn’t get the Bellsing and Knowles drama?


TLDR: Bellsing has some former employees from Knowles and they took their methods with them and Bellsing is basically made of stolen technology. Knowles obviously does not like that and thus they made a claim (cant exactly sue a chinese company) which they won and there is now a 26 year long ban of importing any Bellsing BA drivers and transducers which use Bellsing BA drivers.