IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

The timeless is obviously a flawed set that is only 215 so you apparently overlook flaw. The fact is nothing is perfect and if a flat stage does not bother you I am sure it is wonderful. I am glad your enjoying it because that enjoyment is what hobby is about. :smile:


I donā€™t know, I have exactly one IEM with BA. The dusk. If this is what it means to be BA in general, I am out. I have no idea, I need to hear some higher end tribrids.

Do you have direct comparison to a single driver? I thought the dusk was the beeā€™s kneeā€™s until I heard something that had more coherency. Like the timeless and the zen. (And euclid)

I really wish someone would tune over ear planars like the timeless. Lcd-xc is the closest I have heard. And I would still take the timeless over it in tuning and engagement.


The only single BA iem that I have is my custom Jomo Haka which I love, the only downside is that it does get a bit lost in very busy recordings which Iā€™m not surprised about since itā€™s such a small driver. Everything else about it I really enjoy, I do love Jomo gear (he also founded MMR IIRC) so far.

Iā€™ve got three other iems that are single DD (e1000, bl03 & SSR) and probably my favourite one is the Moondrop SSR, it sounds so nice with Kpop especially due to itā€™s tuning and despite what it looks like on a graph, the highs are great to me and the bass is just shy of neutral which isnā€™t my usual preference but I think it really works for the SSR.

So far Iā€™ve had 4 iems that have had BAs in them (FH3, Haka, MMR Gae Bolg & Earsonics Grace) Iā€™ve never felt that they are lacking in the timbre department but I will admit that I donā€™t really listen to a lot of stuff that requires good timbre IMO (Hip hop, Electronic, Kpop etc), Iā€™m more about bass quality and staging over most aspects.

Next on my list will hopefully be an IEM with a DD in it to satisfy my basshead tendencies, I almost traded for a Hyla Sarda but Iā€™ve not heard from the guy in a while :upside_down_face: one day Iā€™ll get something like an MMR Thummim to pair with the P6 Pro and be happy that Iā€™ve got the best for my preferences (until something else dethrones it in my eyes :joy:).

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Thanks much! Will take a look. I guess the EM5 is what Iā€™m looking for sonically. But then in an IEM :slight_smile:


Letā€™s say you got the job. Without bothering with techniques and materials where would you strife for?


I still donā€™t fully know what timbre is. I have read the descriptions many times, and I wouldnā€™t say that the dusk lacks timbre (at least not compared to anything else). But, lacking decay seems like a better description based on what I am observing.

This seems pretty on point as I listen more. The thing is, planars are known for speed too. And the Zen is the fastest DD I have heard (like, seriously close to your average planar. I love that about it), but none of them display what I hear on the dusk (actually, the drop ether cx might have, but I wasnā€™t listening for it at the time, so I canā€™t say. Itā€™s definition got sharp with tons of clarity).

So decay? This seems like the culprit. And yes, that seems heavily related to timbre. Crinā€™s explanation is the best I have heard. I do think decay is faster on the timeless which may explain why the Zen is still more appealing.

What I want to know is if this will be as prominent on the xenn ups, clairvoyance and other hybrids. I guess I just need to bite the bullet and try one.


Is there good info on earbuds? I have been curious but not a ton of them out there.

RE timbre: Maybe the comparison of an acoustic piano with a digital one is similar? You can get really close with the tonality, but the way the sounds flow (including those flowing away from you when they end) is very different. What is best I don;t know as theyā€™re different instruments, but if itā€™s used to mimic an acoustic piano then I feel it fails somewhat.

RE Clairvoyance: On average reviewers are very very possitive. But 2 of my favourite reviewers are extremely critical about it and donā€™t find them worth the money at all. The culprits? For one it was the extreme amount of bass and for the other the totally unnatural sounding EST treble.


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The FiiO EM5 has had many very good reviews and seems to be best in class. They come at a price though: $300. Excellent for people who donā€™t like to stuff an IEM way into their ear canals and/or like their cables hanging down.


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The timeless. bass and sub bass up to or above the timeless levels, with upper mids and treble toned back a touch. Put that in the shape of an lcd-xc with comparable technicals, and I am completely sold. You can name it after me. Dynamic HP-1.

Now, if we can get the best slam out of a planar as we can at the same time, that would be even better.


If I liked/wanted EQ, I would do that to the XC. Hell, I would buy a minidsp ears, see if I could "flatten* the sound, then mold it to what I want. But anytime I apply EQ, I hate it. So I am not doing that.


I own a grand piano and nothing reproduces that. Certainly not my digital piano. Even when a note is halted by release, there is a subtle sustain sound as the note ends and the string stops vibrating. The digital piano, nothing. But, in this case, the dusk vs timeless is a very good analogy.

I just donā€™t know if that will happen on all BA sets. Or, if the other attributes of an expensive set will ā€œmake up for itā€ the way the Zenā€™s flaws are more than made up by itā€™s strengths. Same thing for the timeless for me. Strengths outweigh the flaws.

Who was it? I usually hear them described as basically really good. The bass seems like a plus to me. But treble could be an issue. I have found Resolve to be reliable, and he sold me on the Zen even more than BGGAR did. And these are top for him.

Timbre put simply:

A Hz is a 3 step movement
Return to stationary/static/start

300 of those in a second = 300Hz
A Piano key at 300Hz is not like a Violin at 300Hz
The resonance and decay, the harmonics differ.
The ability to discern between them clearly
( they both exist at same point on scale and maybe in time),
is part of the quality of timbre, OR the ability to just enjoy, identify any and all musical instruments is a reflection of natural or ā€œgoodā€ timbre.

It is the signature of the instrument :notes:


Check out @Rikudou_Goku 's Database thread (donā€™t think Iā€™m wrong in saying heā€™s resident expert on buds), plus checkout the link to his ranking s/sheet (in first post) that has a tab dedicated to buds.


This is awesome! Didnā€™t realize he covered earbuds. I definitely want to grab some reasonable ones as I canā€™t keep IEMs in my ears all day with any tips I have tried. (especially if allergies act up)

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I ā€œonlyā€ got 34 buds lol.

(direct link:



Nice EM5 review :slight_smile: Hope you got over the other frustrations though! LOL


Look up Max Settings on YouTube plus Super* Review. But have the guts to be really critical and donā€™t seem to care if theyā€™re frowned upon. Super* Reviewā€™s favourite is the Moondrop S8 if Iā€™m not mistaken. Also take a look at his RSV and Orchestra reviews. And if you want more RSV then also watch Michael Bruce (whoā€™s also doing the Clairvoyance but favours the RSV over them).

Right now I have the following on my shortlist:

  • Kiwi Ears Orchestra (not enough bass for you)
  • ThieAudio Oracle (you may want to look into that one)
  • FiiO FD7 (single DD, jury is still out as itā€™s new)
  • Softears RSV (you SHOULD look into that one)



Thatā€™s Z not me lol


1 big omission though: The reviewed EM5ā€¦
