IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

The timbre feels very off. Recessed/congested vocals, smoothed out bass/low-res, it feels very anemic and overly warm is how I would put it. Probably avoid it if that’s your library.


Vocals werent recessed for me though but it matches my hrtf pretty well (as can see from my target) but even with how close it matches my target it is still very damn unimpressive and I really have no clue who would buy this…

Explorer looks really good (and the S08) but im not sure how the bass would be for those genres, I would at least like a bit more.


Agree with @pk500 on this one🤙

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All three of those genres sound just fine to me on the Starfield though… they’re just too shouty, which is again why i’m looking at the 61t because it’s got a very close tuning with less emphasis past the 1K mark

I listen at a louder volume on a regular basis and both the Starfield and Yume II are too much so I figured that would help with that lol

You’re the only person i’ve seen or heard say they have recessed vocals tbh with you lol

I’m about to give up with IEMs lmaooo, it’s always something in some area on every single set

Never had any luck at all finding something I like in over ears so i’ve tried to stick with IEMS but it really does seem like there’s so much nitpicking rather than just trying to actually enjoy music in this hobby community

The amount of money i’ve spent on shit just to not like it is absolutely absurd. I figured staying under $300 would be the best idea but there seems to be so many caveats to them

Explorer then.


Just get the explorer if you listen louder, very good for rock at high volumes

The low-end overtakes the mids, and the treble isn’t resolving or sparkly enough, just makes the vocals sound soft and overly warm/buried by the other 2 frequencies. Might also just be my unit :man_shrugging:


that is true, I oughta use the graphs more but I just get sad because I want em all

on another note, does someone have experience with Gaea? if I didn’t enjoy phoenixcall, is Gaea out for me too?

I believe you prefer brighter tunings, so just a preference/hrtf thing.

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Explorers seem way too dark for me, plus I like air, there’s basically none on them lol

Idk man my favourite iems are the EJ07 and now, the new Carmen :joy: Those are not bright IEMs by any means as I don’t like overly bright things unless it’s done right like the Crimson and the Storm.

@Kamron_Howard2 We all pretty much came to a similar conclusion of: just get the Explorer (especially for loud volume blasting), so, do what you well with that


Are you referring to 15k+?

That one doesnt have much mid-bass so it should balance things out.


Yes but it also seems like upper treble past 10K rolls off pretty hard

It might be needed since it doesnt have much upper-mids, if the upper-treble was a lot more it would have been unbalanced.

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Hmm, i’ll do some more research on them.

I’ve seen that you’ve tried the Yume IIs before, how does the Explorer hold up to them in technicalities and resolution?

No I havent tried the Yume nor the Explorer, check my squig on the iems I tried.

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My bad I got your ranking list confused with Nymz’s lmao

The Explorer scales up with volume like few IEMs I’ve heard. Now that I know you’re an ear blaster, I recommend the Explorer even more. :slight_smile:


Not true. There’s not Big Sky air, but there’s a surprising amount of detail despite the graph.

The amount of detail of the Explorer fits just fine with the warmer overall tuning profile. Don’t analyze low-pinna gain tunings like the Explorer’s by the Harman curve paradigm. They’re different by design. :slight_smile: