IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Looking forward to your thoughts. Could be a nice little thing for my mobile gaming kit.


Back after a long break, so whatā€™s new in town guys??


Or get DD bass, and EST treble for less money


Sometimes I hate how subjective this hobby is lmao. I just read and watched multiple glowing reviews on the Juzear 61t and then I come on here and iā€™m seeing seeing that the EW300 ā€œshitsā€ on it and the Dynaquattro is also way better apparently? I went through the reviews again and the direct comparisons to the Dynaquattro are saying theyā€™re relatively the same in most areas, just different tunings. The graph looks much more appealing and unique on the 61t to me, Dynaquattro and EW300 graphs both look like the same shit thatā€™s been coming out left and right.

Fuck I wish I lived somewhere I could just audition these damn things :man_facepalming: this is the worst hobby to have when your only option is blind buying

I have returned about 5 sets just this year trying to find an upgrade and have yet to find something thatā€™s worth it


Who knows, Cantor might have a hidden special sauce thanks to all the tech it has. I am expecting good amount of texture and separation throughout entire frequency response, considering 14 BAsā€¦


There is also a cheaper option for both.:smirk:


now I know what to grab instead of cantor if it has nothing special lol

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@Rikudou_Goku All you :joy:

Dynaquattro is better than 61t no doubt, not sure whose claiming the EW300 is better but ya the 61T isnā€™t a very high bar to clear lol


Ironically enough Riku is the one who said the EW300 shits on the 61t(to be fair he was talking about timbre and coherency)

This is what iā€™m talking about though with the subjectiveness of the hobby, one minute iā€™ll hear itā€™s nothing special then the next iā€™ll hear itā€™s incredible and it pushes above its price bracket lol

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To be fair, finding that was simple as a 45 second search of graphs. We are deep in the current ā€œpost-Harman curveā€ trend. Give me 20 minutes and Iā€™ll find you 10-15 graphs that line up, at a host of price points.

Graphs are simultaneously valuable and useless to an impressive degree


It probably does then, I trust Riku :joy: But again, 61T, not a very high bar to clear


@VIVIDICI_111 What do you not like about it? I watch a lot of your videos and iā€™ve been trying to sum a purchase down and I thought I was set on the 61t until I watched your review and it was majorly different than the others I had just watched lol

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Yeah, beating the 61T timbre is not hard.

@Kamron_Howard2 better question is, what library do you use and what do you like? That way people can help you better.


Thieaudio timbre isnā€™t hard to beat either. :joy:

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My Cantor prediction:

Reviewers receive it, jizz all over it, calling it a ā€œgiant killer,ā€ ā€œunreal for the price,ā€ etc. Then it becomes the Flavor of the Month and is largely forgotten by Christmas or New Yearā€™s.

Sorry to be so cynical, but this hobby runs on hype, and the hype around the Cantor has been ridiculous. You would think Moses himself was parting the audio Red Sea to deliver these to our ears.

I also get AFUL has a very good track record. The Performer series was well received, and I can vouch for the quality and unique nature of the MagicOne and Explorer as a happy owner of both sets.

Still, this is an $800 IEM in a hobby in which most agree diminishing returns hit HARD once you get to the $300-$500 range. I find it really hard to believe the Cantor will redefine the market. It will be a niche toy for collectors and those whose wallets are big or uncontrolled in our lovely hobby.

If youā€™ve got to scream from the mountaintops during pre-production, ā€œThis is our flagship IEM!ā€ then it probably isnā€™t true flagship quality. I hope Iā€™m wrong for all who are buying this.

I hope everyone who buys LOVES their Cantor. Sincerely. But we see this hype train roll through the station filled with passengers only to stop on the return trip nearly empty at least five or six times per year.


I listen to a mix of genres

Rock, Metal, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Country

Iā€™m looking for something with good bass, forward vocals with some warmth added and detailed but not overly elevated treble

I have the Yume 2 right now, I love it but the bass is way too light and I listen at a bit of a higher volume so thereā€™s just a little too much energy past 2K for me, the only EQ option I have is the BTR3K and I personally donā€™t feel like it does EQ very well, I mostly use the apple dongle anyway so Iā€™m not really looking to have to EQ something I spend over $200 on lol

61T shouldnt even be on your radar from the FR perspective. You need more mid-bass.

Ikko OH10 (modded) would work well.

Or the IvipQ V13 graph looks good.

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AFUL Explorer sounds like a good match, man. $125 USD. Easy to drive, too.

Love mine, and I listen to a variety of genres like you.


I have the Starfield as well and the mid bass is enough for me on that, it graphs very similar to the 61t in the mid bass and lower mids thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been doing so much research on it lol. Iā€™m looking for the absolute slightest touch of warmth, nothing overly colored lol

that tuning isnt suitable for rock/metal, hip-hop and R&B.